My mum has extensive sclc

  • January 17th 2010 - had a lovely afternoon out!


    Just as I predicted mum bounced back from her low mood.  She got up this morning at 11.30am, had a shower, got dressed and was raring to go by 1pm.  We went and did some food shopping before spending some time wandering round the clothes shops.  Mum bought herself 3 tops and then we went to Franky & Bennys for tea.  We had a really nice time and it felt very normal.  She refused point blank to use the wheelchair and coped…

  • January 16th 2010 - Plans thwarted!


    Unfortunately we've not made it out today.  Mum woke up at 4am feeling nauseous.  She took an anti-sickness pill and slept until 11am.  She still didn't feel great and took another anti-sickness pill after she had eaten.  She said she felt a bit weak and I could just go and do some food shopping on my own.

    I decided I'd wait until tomorrow when she might feel well enough to go too.  She went up and had a shower…

  • January 15th 2010 - Feeling a bit better again today!


    Mum feeling a bit better again today and just taken her last two antibiotics.  She's hoping now the antibiotics have finished the nauseated feeling will go, here's hoping.

    She's had me out digging the ice off the path and the pavement tonight as she is going stir crazy in the house.  Our street is still like an ice rink but she is determined to go out tomorrow and also says sh wants to go out for a meal.  I…

  • January 14th 2010 - Stairlift preparation!


    When I got home from work today there was an electrician in the house.  Seemingly the electricity, gas and water pipes should all be earthed and this has to be put in place before the stairlift is fitted.  Thank goodness they didn't tell us this in advance as my mum would have said she wasn't having the lift fitted if she had known the upheaval!  He has had to put trunking all round the house to route the earth wire…

  • January 13th 2010 - Today it was hoovering!


    Mum still feeling nauseous this morning when I left for work and was actually nearly sick when trying to take her medication first thing.  We are not sure if it is the chemo causing the problem or the antibiotics.

    Christine mums CNS has rung mum today to check how she's doing.  Mum told her about feeling sick and Christine thinks it could be the antibiotics.  She's told mum to wait until she finishes the antibiotics…