January 10th 2010 - Mum not so good!

1 minute read time.

Mum very low this morning.  She had to take her anti-sickness tablet at 5am as she was feeling really sick.  When she was taking her etoposide at 8am she thought she was going to be sick but she managed to keep them down.  She went to bed and then got up and had some cereal at 10am but has gone back to bed immediately after eating.  She couldn't even finish her cup of tea, not like her at all and worrying as she's been told to try and drink plenty.  She says she doesn't feel sick just feels off.  This seems to be the pattern when she has her chemo but the reaction seems to be a bit worse this time.  Christine, mums nurse, did warn me that it might get worse as mum goes through her treatment.  I think it's even harder for her today as she has had a four week break since the last chemo and she felt well after the first week so she's had 3 weeks of feeling good.  I can tell it's really getting her down today which has made my mood lower than it has been for some time.

I think, unless we get more snow tonight, I will be back in work tomorrow so she will be on her own all day.  I'll suggest that she takes it easy and just sleeps as much as she feels like it as she is extremely tired again.  This is very disappointing but not unexpected.  Hopefully she will feel better again in a few days.  The district nurse is due on Tuesday so we'll see how she is by then.  They did say if necessary they would change her anti-sickness meds.   

  • FormerMember

    hi Caroline,

    My thoughts are with you and your mum

    Love and hugs Stacey

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear your Mum's having a bad day. Hope she feels better in the next few days.

    Hugs to you both.{{{{{{}}}}}}

    Love Alison.xx

  • FormerMember

    It sounds as if your mum is reacting in a similar way to my dad. Like you, we encouraged him to sleep whenever he felt like it, it's what the body needs when it's under attack from the chemo. Take care of yourself as well. Val XX

  • FormerMember

    Just wanted to let you know my Dad is going through the same thing. He had his second chemo session where they increased anti sickness meds and reduced oral capecitabine by two and I am glad to say this time around he doesn't feel as bad. He is very tired and tends to sleep alot during the day and of course awake at night as a result. He has good days and bad ones and this is the way things go.All you can do is enjoy the good ones and be there for your mum when she is not having such a good day.

    Stay strong and remember you are not alone!