January 16th 2010 - Plans thwarted!

2 minute read time.

Unfortunately we've not made it out today.  Mum woke up at 4am feeling nauseous.  She took an anti-sickness pill and slept until 11am.  She still didn't feel great and took another anti-sickness pill after she had eaten.  She said she felt a bit weak and I could just go and do some food shopping on my own.

I decided I'd wait until tomorrow when she might feel well enough to go too.  She went up and had a shower and says she feels a bit better but has gone back to bed now for a rest.  I decided not to sit around doing nothing, a great temptation, so have set to with the hoover and duster!  I've also done the washing and gutted the kitchen so if she feels up to it tomorrow we'll just get up and go.

I could tell she was really disappointed at how she felt this morning as she'd felt better yesterday.  I think she was hoping that since she finished the antibiotics last night the sick feeling would stop.  Hopefully by tomorrow it'll have cleared her system.  She continues to eat well even though she feels nauseous and although she puts it down to the antibiotics is peased with how her head is healing.  This may be down to the antibiotics but also the fact that she's stopped wearing her wig in the house.  We'll just have to wait and see.

We were talking this morning about whether we could get abroad for a week when she finishes her treatment.  She loves her holidays and we normally go away 2 or 3 times a year.  Her last chemo should be around mid march but she then has to have RT (10 sessions - 5 head, 5 chest).  Reading other peoles posts it seems that this would take place every day for the two weeks?  It also appears that RT makes you really tired, something she's already suffering with the chemo so realistically I'm thinking that Whitsun might be possible.  I'm off work from the 28th of May until Monday June 7th I think.  We   wondered whether Easter would be possible but perhaps that's a bit too soon and the weather in Spain in April is not always good.  We'll wait and see what Dr Mehta says nearer the time but although initially I didn't feel I'd enjoy us going abroad as I'd worry in case she got ill I now think it would be possible.  I would not go, however, without insurance and I know this will be costly.  I will pay whatever it costs as I know how much mum would enjoy it and it might give her, and me, a boost. 
