My mum has extensive sclc

  • January 22nd 2010 - I feel dreadful, what's wrong with me?!


    Don't know what's wrong with me.  I haven't slept well for about a fortnight, something I usually don't have a problem with.  I feel headachy, light headed and my muscles ache and yet I don't think I'm physically ill.  I would understand it if I'd been like this when mum was first diagnosed but she is doing so well and I don't think I'm worrying consciously, yet I don't feel right.…

  • January 21st 2010 - We've had a great night!


    Just back from seeing Les Miserables.  It was absolutely fantastic and although mum and I have seen it many times already we thoroughly enjoyed it.  Mum is in good spirits and feeling well.  Short and sweet tonight as I'm really tired and need to get some sleep if I'm to get up for work in the morning.

  • January 20th 2010 - Mum doing ok!


    Mum struggled to get to sleep last night but slept until 11 am this morning.  She went back to bed around 2 for a couple of hours and is still quite tired but I think she's still reeling from the shock of finding out about Peter.  She feels quite well and is in quite good spirits all things considered.

    When I got home from work she had made a big pot of carrot and orange soup, lovely!  However, she informed me I was…

  • January 19th 2010 - Another blow!


    Mum has felt really well today and was in very good spirits when I got home from work.  She's not even felt tired and was feeling very positive.  So looked like I'd be saying 'another good day!'  Sadly it was not to be.  My friends next door who are more like family had visited Pauls dad in hospital last night as he hadn't been feeling too good and having gone for an x-ray he had been kept in.  The nurses…

  • January 18th 2010 - To smoke or not to smoke?!


    The stairlift guy arrived dead on 9am and was finished by 11.30am.  Now that it's been fitted mum is quite happy to use it.  She was really tired when I came home at lunch time and has gone back to bed now.  She was, however, in good spirits and used her new toy to get upstairs to her bedroom.  I think she thought it would get in the way but now that she sees it's unobtrusive she's quite happy.

    The dreaded smoking…