My mum has extensive sclc

  • February 23rd 2010 - Mum suffering bad back pain!


    My aunt and Uncle went home today and since they arrived last Thursday mum has appeared to be in good form.  I say appeared because she has not gone for a sleep during the day and has stayed up well beyond her usual bed time.  I did suggest on the first evening that she would struggle if she kept staying up late and didn't sleep at all inthe day but she said she was enjoying having them here and felt fine.

    They set…

  • February 18th - Good news!


    We're just back from Dr Mehta, mums oncologist.  He is delighted with how mum is doing and is happy for her to have the 5th and 6th chemo sessions.  He says her xray looks great and has arranged for another ct scan when she has her final chemo so that he can decide on whether she should have RT.  Also to decide on whether it should be to head, chest or both.  Another boost for mum, she was delighted although the downside…

  • February 17th - Midweek madness!


    To let you understand I think my mum has OCD when it comes to cleaning the house.  That was fine when she could do it herself but now it's down to me.  Since I broke up for half term on Thursday I have cleaned everything, and I mean everything, that it's possible to clean in the house.  She has followed me round checking I've done it properly and not cut any corners, as if!!!  Today it was 'necessary' to gut mums…

  • February 14tth - Weekly blog No. 2!


    Let me think what has happened this week!?  Well I suppose it started with the worry over Peter having his brain tumour removed on Monday.  Mum having had her chemo on Friday was totally wiped out and slept all day and I got a phonecall in the evening about my new car but, as I missed it, had to wait to Tuesday to find out what it was about.

    Tuesday morning the garage phoned to say that the car I had put a deposit on had…

  • February 7th 2010 - Mum wiped out! Peter having brain op tomorrow!


    Mum had her chemo on Friday as her neutrophils had come back up.  She had a good day yesterday but by last night I could see the main side effect of extreme tiredness was beginning to set in.  She is wiped out today and has slept a lot, getting up to eat and going back to bed.  However, she has eaten well today and enjoyed her food.  She normally feels a bit nauseous on the Sunday after chemo but so far so good today.  She…