My mum has extensive sclc

  • March 21st - Mum is ok but not great!


    Mums been just ok all week.  She is still very tired even though it's now been 16 days since her 5th chemo.  We were warned that she would get more tired with each one but the first 4 seemed to follow the same pattern, 7 days of extreme tiredness then picked up.  This time the extreme tiredness has continued and she's not felt like going out at all.  She has her final chemo next Friday assuming her white count is ok…

  • Sunday March 14th - Happy Mothers Day


    Mum started the week very tired and was drenched in sweat every time she slept.  Part way through the week her chillow arrived and she has not been drenched in sweat since she started using it.  That has really made her feel a lot better.  She's still tired but not as much as she was at the beginning of the week.  We saw the oncologist on Thursday and he's still really pleased with mum.  I asked about us going on holiday…

  • Sunday March 7th - One chemo to go!


    After a weeks delay due to a low white count mum had her fifth chemo on Friday, Saturday and today.  So far she has followed her usual pattern.  She was fine yesterday even though she had not slept well on Friday night  (we think the steroids keep her awake) and had to take her 3 etoposide bombs.  This morning she took her final 3 etoposide bombs at 7.30 and then slept until 12pm.  She got up and had breakfast and was back…

  • March 2nd 2010 - Panicky and frightened!


    I woke up on Monday morning and couldn't get out of bed.  Why?  My back was in agony!  I was fine when I went to bed on Sunday night so I had no idea why I was in so much pain.  Eventually I rolled onto the floor on my hands and knees and pulled myself up to my feet by holding onto the bed and then chest of drawers.

    Having got onto my feet I found myself panicking.  Why was I panicking I'd hurt my back, nothing more, but…

  • February 27th 2010 - No chemo again!


    The district nurse took 6 attempts/needles to get mums bloods on Thursday.  My mum felt sorry for her as the blood was going everywhere but where it should be!  If it had been me I think I would have fainted as I'm not too good with needles but typical mum her concern was for the 'poor nurse!'.

    Yesterday morning we go up to get ready for mums chemo.  At 9am I breathed a sigh of relief as we had not received a…