February 17th - Midweek madness!

2 minute read time.

To let you understand I think my mum has OCD when it comes to cleaning the house.  That was fine when she could do it herself but now it's down to me.  Since I broke up for half term on Thursday I have cleaned everything, and I mean everything, that it's possible to clean in the house.  She has followed me round checking I've done it properly and not cut any corners, as if!!!  Today it was 'necessary' to gut mums room including changing the bedding and turning the mattress.

Mum said she would help and I told her not to bother.  She then said she would just come upstairs and keep me company and I told her to stay where she was.  I went up to start and I heard the buzz of her stairlift as she followed me up.  I set to asking her to sit down out of the way.  This she did until I was turning the mattress when she once again offered her help.  She wouldn't take no for an answer and headed to the other side of the bed so I picked up the mattress and flicked it over quickly before she could get there.

Disappointed she turned to head back to her observation post when she tripped over the end of the bed and shot into the air only just managing to steady herself and avoid crashing into the wardrobe.  As you can imagine I was not happy and began to rant and rave about the various bones she might have broken and didn't we have enough to cope with without having to deal with broken legs etc!

Mum started to laugh and how she giggled!  The more I said it was no laughing matter the more she giggled!  In the end I found myself giggling too!  At times she drives me to distraction as she is so stubborn but I suppose her grit, determination and sense of humour are what have helped her to stay so strong and cope so well with her illness.

The house is now gleaming, no broken bones, my aunt and uncle arrive tomorrow and I got my new car.  Everything is good so let's hope the oncologist has more good news for us tomorrow when he sees her!

