February 7th 2010 - Mum wiped out! Peter having brain op tomorrow!

1 minute read time.

Mum had her chemo on Friday as her neutrophils had come back up.  She had a good day yesterday but by last night I could see the main side effect of extreme tiredness was beginning to set in.  She is wiped out today and has slept a lot, getting up to eat and going back to bed.  However, she has eaten well today and enjoyed her food.  She normally feels a bit nauseous on the Sunday after chemo but so far so good today.  She did have to change her bed this afternoon as it was wet through with sweat.  Christine, her CNS, says this is a symptom of her condition that has to be endured and that there is nothing can be done with regards to it so she'll just have to put up with it.

I was annoyed with her as she changed the bed whilst I was out and was exhausted when I got back.  I pointed out that she should have got into my bed and left it for me to change her sheets when I got home.  She said that my bed would then have got wet and she did't want to do this but since she had not gone back to bed when I got in she could have left it.  What can you do?!

My friends dad, who has primary lung and secondary brain cancer, is due to have brain surgery tomorrow to remove the tumour.  Initially they said there was nothing to be done and we're not sure why they've changed their mind but we see it as a positive and pray it is successful.  Please keep Peter in your thoughts and prayers.  That's all for this week folks!!
