February 23rd 2010 - Mum suffering bad back pain!

3 minute read time.

My aunt and Uncle went home today and since they arrived last Thursday mum has appeared to be in good form.  I say appeared because she has not gone for a sleep during the day and has stayed up well beyond her usual bed time.  I did suggest on the first evening that she would struggle if she kept staying up late and didn't sleep at all inthe day but she said she was enjoying having them here and felt fine.

They set off home at 11am today and at lunch time mum sent me a text saying she was going to bed as she was really tired.  I text back saying I wasn't surprised as I knew she would be really tired.  She then rung to say not only was she tired but her back was in agony!  She has suffered from lower back pain for years and, though, initially had pain in her lung area the docs had sorted out her pain meds and she has not been suffering pain.  Whilst my aunt and uncle were here she insisted on doing the cooking etc. and had mentioned to me once or twice her back was sore but hadn't indicated that it was worse than normal.  I told her she was doing too much and I didn't think it was cancer related but her lower back problem from previously.

Her district nurse came today so mum told her how much pain she was in.  She told the nurse I had said I didn't think the pain was cancer related as it was not in her lung area and the nurse said the cancer can cause pain anywhere and told mum to step up her oramorph to every four hours and said they may have to step up her MST!  I'm ot happy about this as she is not a cancer nurse and has no knowledge of mums previous medical history before her diagnosis.

Obviously I do not want mum to suffer pain of any description but I do feel she has the pain as a result of doing too much and needs to rest and take her current pain meds properly before they up her MST.  She has also slept in my bed whilst my aunt and uncle were here as she wanted them to have her bed and I slept in the spare bed in our loft conversion above my bedroom.  She is not used to my mattress and did say that she felt it was affecting her back but is now saying it is nothing to do with the mattress because the district nurse says......!  This is a district nurse who is filling in for mums usual nurse who is on holiday.

Of course I questioned how the nurse could say it was related to mums cancer when she had no knowledge of mums medical history.  Mums xrays show the cancer is shrinking so why would the back pain be increasing?  Am I wrong?  Anyone know?  I'd appreciate anyone who has perhaps had a similar experience.  I know I've upset mum because I was angry that she said she didn't need to rest at the weekend and was fine when she clearly wasn't!  My aunt and uncle are used to mum going for a sleep and would not have bothered if she'd gone to bed for an hour or two whilst they were here.  She was the life and soul whilst they were here and now that it's just me and her she's really exhausted, down and in pain!  I'm really annoyed with her but shouldn't have had a go at her.  I now feel really guilty for probably making her feel worse than she already did!  She's now gone to bed for a sleep.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Celiswan, the nurse who's standing in for your mums usual nurse must have read your mums notes before she made her visit, and it is true that cancer can cause pain elsewhere, but if your mum has always suffered from lower back pain you could be right in saying she has been over doing things. I for one find it very difficult first thing in the morning when i get out of bed to stand up straight but after i have a shower im fine, even so when i have been busy all day and on my feet for long periods i get back pain and its a relief to sit down for a while, but i put that down to getting older and the wear and tear over the years.Your mum has been used to taking a nap in the day, but i suspect being given good reports from her treatment she has gone a little over board and is doing more than she should. She has to listen to her body and try to get back to taking a rest in the day, and hopefully her back pain will get less painful.

    With Love Lucy Lee. xxx

  • I get tired when i do to much in fact i get exhausted as i try to live how I once was-- so full of energy.

    I now sleep most afternoons and although my blogs are full of all the things I do, I have problems with pain in my back and my arms and across the chest my joints ache to.

    Ray has to open tins for me and jars and do my buttons when my thumbs get bad.

    This cancer has a lot to answer for and the Tumour must be laying on my nerves somewhere to upset my arms.

    So just be patient with your mum and let her do what she wants to do then she will sleep when she is worn out.

    Hope she feels better tomorrow

    Love mavis

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear this, I know what you mean about mum being the life and soul of the party and doing too much while others are there and then being too tired for anything afterwards, it's tough to be left picking up the pieces and worrying.  I've tried to focus on it's making mum happy at the time and I know what is to come after - not that it makes it any easier!!

    The back pain could be anything the most obvious reason to you because you know her and know what she is like is that she's done too much, the most obvious reason to the nurse because she read notes and probably had a 'different version of events' from your mum (we know what they are like ;)  is that it's the cancer.... It's possible it's one or the other or both..... Do you have a good GP? My GP is fantastic and will accept a telephone appoinment for me to discuss anything I am concerned about - worth a try?

    My GP says that if in doubt about anything you should always seek a second opinion, see if you can find a mac nurse/gp/a.n. other who is qualified to discuss this again with you.

    It's so hard to do right for doing wrong sometimes - take care xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear about your Mum's pain, it must be such a worry for you. Perhaps she's like my dad in that having people around is a distraction, but when it's back to him and Mum every little symptom becomes a worry. Have you got a Macmillan nurse? Ours is great, and has given me some good advice. Thinking of you - take care. Val X