My mum has extensive sclc

  • February 1st 2010 - Moving to weekly blog!


    Initially I blogged every day and have kept this up since mum was diagnosed.  At the beginning there was loads going on with mum like getting a wheelchair, results, losing her hair, first ever chemo and side effects, panics over high temp etc. etc. etc. etc.  3 months down the line things have stabilised a bit and I now find that I no longer need the therapeutic qualities of my daily blog!

    So after today I will blog once…

  • January 31st 2010 - A nice relaxing day!


    Mum was very tired after the wedding yesterday and slept until around 11.30am this morning.  For some reason I woke up at 4am and then again at 6am thinking the phone was ringing, which it wasn't.  I actually went down and dialled 1471 as I was convinced something was wrong and someone was ringing me.  Then I could have sworn I heard my friend Gillian from next door shouting my name when I had just got back into bed…

  • January 30th 2010 - Lovely wedding!


    We've just got back from my friends sisters wedding.  It should have been on March 13th but because her dad has been diagnosed with terminal cancer (no treatment) she wanted to make sure he was well enough to walk her down the aisle.  We were all up early this morning as the bride and bridesmaids were getting ready in my friends house whilst I had the boys (Kieran 17, Thomas 9 and Joseph 7) getting ready in my house…

  • January 29th 2010 - Blood count low so no chemo!


    I got a phonecall from mums chemo nurse this morning to say mum couldn't have her chemo.  Seemingly her neutrophyls are low, not sure if that's right?!  Anyway she now has to have her bloods done again next Thursday and hopefully will have her chemo on Friday.  They have assured us this is quite common and that it's nothing to worry about but mum is upset about it, as I am.  She seems so well that we never thought…

  • January 28th 2010 - Dr Mehta still pleased!


    Dr Mehta is still pleased with how mum seems to be doing on the chemo.  She asked about the RT and we had a wee bit of a sticky moment because originally he said sh would have 5 to her head and 5 to her chest.  He said it was a possibility but the decision would be made when mum finished her chemo.  He went on to say that the problem was that with people mums age it could really knock them for six for 2 or 3 months and although…