February 14tth - Weekly blog No. 2!

2 minute read time.

Let me think what has happened this week!?  Well I suppose it started with the worry over Peter having his brain tumour removed on Monday.  Mum having had her chemo on Friday was totally wiped out and slept all day and I got a phonecall in the evening about my new car but, as I missed it, had to wait to Tuesday to find out what it was about.

Tuesday morning the garage phoned to say that the car I had put a deposit on had some damage.  Disappointed, I told the guy I didn't want it but he said he'd found an almost identical one except that it had leather seats and bluetooth and as he'd let me down he'd do it at the same price.  Things seem to be on the up!  Mum slept less on Tuesday and when I got home from work seemed quite bright.  Peter was amazingly well after his op and was up and walking about.

On Wednesday Peter got home from hospital.  Isn't that amazing considering the initial prognosis?  Mum was very tired again on Wednesday and slept a lot whlst I was at work, although she was up and about in time to have her her cuppa with Gillian, myself and the kids at 4pm.

Thursday was my last day before half term and I was looking forward to the rest.  Peter was continuing to do well and mum, although still tired, was in good spirits.  Friday and Saturday were more of the same with me flitting between running round doing housework, shopping and chilling out.

That brings us to today.  I've had quite a lazy day although I've cleaned the kitchen window.  I cleaned the lounge and dining room windows yesterday but ran out of steam before I got to the kitchen.  Mum insisted she do the ironing, 'It's just a few t-shirts and a duvet cover' she said and set to with energy.  She had a wee bit of back pain afterwards but, as she pointed out, she used to get that before the cancer.  We also had Thomas and Freya, my godchildren, for an hour or so.  When they're at grandmas next door they often pop in to see us.  We thoroughly enjoyed their company.  freya is 4 and Thomas is 9 and they never cease to make us smile.  Although mum is still tired she is definitely picking up a wee bit more each day and I'm hoping we can have one or two nice days out next week, especially if I get my new car.  My aunt and uncle are coming down on Thursday for a few days so I daresay we'll be hitting boundary mill, maybe even Cheshire oaks and finding some nice wee pubs for lunch. 

Mum sees the oncologist on Thursday so I pray that everything is still going well with her chemo and that her x-ray shows more improvement as that will give her a boost and help her to enjoy her time with her brother and sister-in-law.  Until next week!   

  • FormerMember

    Good to hear your Mum is doing so well - if she's sleeping then that's a good thing, she's listening to her body which is telling her to rest so it can recover from the chemo. Hope you have a lovely half-term, don't wear yourself out with too much shopping ;-)  V

  • You have so much on your shoulders I hope you are taking a rest when you can.

    Love to your family and that all goes well for you all.

    Love mavis