March 21st - Mum is ok but not great!

1 minute read time.

Mums been just ok all week.  She is still very tired even though it's now been 16 days since her 5th chemo.  We were warned that she would get more tired with each one but the first 4 seemed to follow the same pattern, 7 days of extreme tiredness then picked up.  This time the extreme tiredness has continued and she's not felt like going out at all.  She has her final chemo next Friday assuming her white count is ok so I hope she picks up over the next few days.

Another worrying thing is that over the past few days she has started to complain of a sore neck.  She says it's not there all the time just certain ways she moves or opens her mouth.  She says it's a sort of dull pain.  She asked me yesterday to feel if it was swollen but I couldn't feel any difference in that side with the other.  She thought it may be a swollen gland.  It seems to go up from her jaw from what she describes and gillian and I wonder now if it may be an abcess, I hope not.  My worry of course is that it's the cancer, I'm paranoid about any ache or pain she feels.  If it's still painful tomorrow we'll ring the gp and get him to take a look. 

She has done so well over the last 4 1/2 months and has been so positive but I think she's is just getting a bit fed up with it all now, understandably.  She could really do with a holiday and it's just a shame that because of a few delays our initila plan to get away over Easter has now had to be postponed until my next holiday at the end of May.  I love my job and have never wanted to do anything else but it would be great if I could just take her away for a week when she feels good instead of having to hope that she feels good when I get my next holiday.  Well that's it for this week.  Hopefully next week I'll be able to report that she's had her 6th and final chemo. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    I understand your worries but chemo is nearly at an end. Hang in there and love to your Mum and you of course.

    Hugs Stacey

  • FormerMember

    Yes, Stacey is right  - it is nearly over. She has had a "reasonable" journey so far, but a blip is to be expected every so often I suppose.

    Presumably her temperature is OK? A tooth abcess would probably cause that to rise, but extra mouth washes etc. just in case may be good.

    It could just be tension - I get something similar through clenching my jaw when stressed. A warm compress can help.

    Fingers crossed for her last chemo - XXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi again! I think it takes the Liver about 6 weeks to process the chemo from the last lot so you can expect your Mum to take a wee while to pick up again. I have had chemo 5 different times now and so Im pretty experienced (dont know whether this is a good or bad thing LOL) Anyway by May she should be a bit more perky and ready for that long awaited holiday you both need. I think because the chemo has finished the expectations are that everything should be back to normal - but chemo really does take its toll so be patient and before too long she should be on the right track. Best wishes Jools x

  • FormerMember

    I can understand that chemo takes its toll. I was dreadfully ill on my 2nd dose of chemo. I was hospil talised for 11 days. Anyway my dose was reduced to half and this time i felt so much better. So there is hope with chemo. I now have 10 day free before start 4th chemo. I am not sure how I will feel on 4th chemo but trying to keep positive.

    Caroline I am sure your mum will be fine and able to have that much wanted holiday at the end. Love Pauline. xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi  Caroline

    Thinking of you and your Mum. It is a harsh treatment and she sounds as if she's done so well, perhaps her body just needs a little more time to get over this last onslaught. Keep focussing on that holiday - you both deserve it. Val X