Sunday March 14th - Happy Mothers Day

2 minute read time.

Mum started the week very tired and was drenched in sweat every time she slept.  Part way through the week her chillow arrived and she has not been drenched in sweat since she started using it.  That has really made her feel a lot better.  She's still tired but not as much as she was at the beginning of the week.  We saw the oncologist on Thursday and he's still really pleased with mum.  I asked about us going on holiday and he said that was a great ideas and would be no problem. 

So we started looking for holiday insurance and went from being on a high to being on a low.  Terminal cancer?  Want to go away at the end of May?  It's too early come back at the beginning of May and we may be able to help you!  I understand why they have to be cautious but it was very disheartening for mum who said she hated the word terminal and the fact that it made it sound like she was going to die tomorrow.  I stuck at it and miaonline will insure us assuming mums CT scan is ok when w see the oncologist again on April 8th.  We've now accepted this but it has made it difficult to make plans and book the holiday we want.  I contacted the accommodation and they were happy for me to book with a 20% deposit which they will refund up to a week before we go if I have to cancel.  That cheered mum up no end as it looks lovely and we've often said we'd like to stay there.  It is right on the beach and close to all the bars and restaurants.  We'll have to wait to book flight but think we should be ok.  I booked it yesterday.

So today was mothers day.  Unfortunately mum didn't feel very well this morning.  She said she felt quite nauseous and was aching.  She also had some stomach pain.  This is not the normal pattern for mum after chemo as normally by now she has picked up and she never feels sick.  I wonder is it a side effect of the neulasta injection.  She has also been having trouble going to th loo as a result of all the drugs, we think, so it may have been that.  After she had been to the loo she did feel better but went back to bed for a couple of hours sleep this afternoon.

She got up for her tea tonight and really enjoyed it so I think she's ok.  One of the things I got her for mothers day was a bottle of grouse whisky as she enjoys a whisky before bed and grouse is her favourite.  We are sitting here now watching wild at heart and she is enjoying a wee whisky.  We've not been out today but we have had a nice day together and Gillian, my friend, also came in with flowers for mum and a lovely card from Mothering Sunday at church for her.

So to my wonderful mum, who I love with every fibre of my being, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!

  • FormerMember

    I hope u get sorted with everything, I want to take my mum on holiday but not sure if we can as she starts her chemo very soon! Did u find insurance on the Internet ?

    Tj x x

  • FormerMember

    For TJ

    The insurance I suggested to Celiswan is Miaonline - (google it) ring them and they will ask some info then ring you back. Before ringing I strongly suggest you speak to the Oncologist as without his/her consent you are unlikely to get insurance covering cancer.

    Best wishes Jools x

  • FormerMember

    I also contacted Miaonline...they were fantastic..£43 for a week in Majorca...including cancer cover...but they also told me they couldnt cover me until about 6weeks before i go..and they cant offer me yearly cover because ive had treatment in the last 12 months. I got a letter from my oncologist delaring me fit to travel abroad.

    Some of the quotes ive had from so called cancer insurance specialist  sites were quoted my £456 for a week..scandalous....i would definitely recommend Mia to anyone looking for insurance...they were very pleasant , friendly and helpful. Im going on holiday in june and i cant wait...had to cancel 2 hols last year because of surgery and treatment so this one will be extra special.

    Hope you get sorted and have a happy all deserve Sharon xxx

  • FormerMember

    Yeah miaonline are brilliant.  I emailed them and they rung me back.  The girl I spoke to was absolutely lovely and we have a quote of £66 for the week which we think is great as mum is 74 and ordinary travel insurance is quite pricey.  All we have to do is phone back with the scan results and we have a reference number to quote so that there is no need to go through the whole screening process again.  The so called cancer specialist won't quote me until the first week in May.

  • FormerMember

    So pleased that the Chillow has worked out for your Mum. They are brilliant for anyone who has trouble sleeping in very hot weather too. I'm only in my first chemo cycle, but feel like planning a holiday for when treatment is finished (even if it is just a dream at the moment), so will add miaonline to my list of contacts and possibles! Lovely for you both to have something to look forward to.