March 2nd 2010 - Panicky and frightened!

3 minute read time.

I woke up on Monday morning and couldn't get out of bed.  Why?  My back was in agony!  I was fine when I went to bed on Sunday night so I had no idea why I was in so much pain.  Eventually I rolled onto the floor on my hands and knees and pulled myself up to my feet by holding onto the bed and then chest of drawers.

Having got onto my feet I found myself panicking.  Why was I panicking I'd hurt my back, nothing more, but immediately my brain went into overdrive.  How am I going to look after mum?  I need to be fit!  I can't cope with a bad back!  What if it's something serious and limits what I can do?  I can't take more time off work etc etc. 

I got myself in such a state I felt like I couldn't breath, a bit like a panic attack I suppose, I suffered those regularly after my dad died.  Before mums diagnosis I would have got a hot water bottle and taken some paracetamol but suddenly my slight injury was a big deal.  I was unable to go into work and rung the doctors for an appointment.  No appointment until 11am today so got the heatpad and spent most of the day lying flat on my back whilst mum fussed around me.

I saw the doctor today and he said all my muscles down the full length of my spine are in spasm.  So why has it happened?  He says it's tension.  I thought I was coping ok with mums diagnosis but he thinks that it's stressing me out and as a result I'm holding myself tense.  I didn't want to tell mum this as she has enough on her plate but when I got home with my new anti-inflammatory pills, which will hopefully sort it out, she said maybe it was because I was worrying about her.  I told her not to be silly.  I wasn't worring as she was doing so well.

The problem now is I'm worrying more.  I have to stay strong, keep fit and remain healthy so that I can look after mum but at the moment I can hardly stand up without being in a lot of pain and feel in very low spirits.  I'm really confused as I felt I coped really well when things were hectic at the beginning but now that mum has had 4 chemos and the oncologist is pleased with her I'm struggling to cope.  I thought about the doctors explanation that I was tense and realised that I am.  I actually feel frightened.  I know mum is doing well but also know it's going to come back and I suppose I'm worried about being lulled into a false sense of security and then being hit by an out of control train.  When I should be happy that mum is doing so well and enjoying my time with her I am spending my time worrying about the bad things.  When I talked it through with my GP I realised that when I wake up in the morning I'm aching all over.  I'm not relaxed when I'm asleep and I have no control over this.  It seems to be my subconscious that is the problem although it is now affecting my conscious thoughts.  What can I do to relax?  I can't do anything about it if I'm tensing up whilst I'm asleep.  Anyone any ideas?  Any suggestions of how I can get rid of the tension that's causing the aches and pains would be appreciated.  The gp said the pills would deal with the muscle swelling/inflamation but that I was stuck with the tension.  Surely not?! 

  • Sorry to hear you back is playing up, its a hard one to deal with, I know from experience.

    Its easy to say and hard to do but you need to let the stress and anxiety go, try to enjoy the day and not worry about the future which is probably easier for a patient than a carer.

    Perhaps some you time and a neck and shoulder massage might help you release some tension.

    Hope you get sorted quickly and you can smile again.

    take care   john

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear of your back problem, Caroline. It's easy to say try and relax but managing to is another story. I agree with John that a massage might help. Another thing that might help is a T.E.N.S. machine which you can hire or buy. Lloyd's pharmacies often do a good deal on them.

    My friend has back problems and swears by her Chiropractor, but that's maybe for another day.

    Hope it gets better very soon.

    Love Alison.x

  • FormerMember

    hi - i can totally relate to what you have said about why is this happening now- as a patient who has just finished chemo and has had good results from it and i am now waiting for rt -you should think that i would be jumping through hoops waving my knickers in the air -well to be honest - i am a bit like you - i think that we get oursleves so charged up and ready to face the 'news' every time we go to the hospital for dreaded results that when you do get good news it floors you - because i think we are all geared up to expect the worse - even though we all tell ourleves we are being positive about this illness i think that deep down the fear is always there - so dont beat yourselve up about feeling down and remeber this might be a time for you to take it easy and listen to what your body is telling you - as for you backpain - try and go to see a chriopractor - they are really good at sorting out back problems - can be a bit pricey but well worth the money in my opion - relaxation tapes are good too - i hope that you soon begin to feel better - takecare - karen - xoxo

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline - so sorry to hear about your back problem. Although I'm not the full-time carer, I too have been suffering from various symptoms that my GP (a lovely sympathetic man who specialises in palliative care) is convinced is related to the ongoing situation with my step dad. My spirits are also up and down like yours and some days I find it hard to concentrate at work. Have you tried using lavender oil at night? it is supposed to help with relaxing you. Thinking of both you and your Mum, and sending gentle hugs. Val X