My mum has extensive sclc

  • Mum's CNS to the rescue again!!!


    Having had no success with the dentist regarding GELCLAIR for mum's mouth and having no faith in the GP I rang mum's CNS, Christine, last night and left a message.  She rung me back this morning and asked me what the name of the gel was that I had asked for as she had also never heard of it.  I explained what I had been told by my friends in Chat (Thanks Anna, Mags, Carrot and anyone else who told me about it) and…

  • Mum's mouth still very painful!


    Mum did everything the dentist told her with the difflam and cordosyl but it hasn't worked.  We went back to the dentist tonight and he thinks it looks a bit better but it's certainly not feeling any better.  As a number of you on here suggested that Gelclair was the best treatment I asked him to prescribe it.  He'd never even heard of it!  So I explained it to him and gave him the website.  He has now advised…

  • Help! Mum has a really sore mouth.


    Hi my mum developed a very sore mouth about a fortnight ago and last Thursday went to the dentist.  She has a top denture and her upper gum was really painful.  He gave her difflam and some stuff to soak her teeth in but they haven't touched it.  She's tried bonjela and bicarbonate of soda but they've not touched it either.  It cost her £30 at the dentist and the stuff has had no effect.  She's booked another…

  • Sunday June 13th - Good or Not Good?


    Well I suppose mum has felt good since last Thursday (June 3rd) and I did say then we had the first sweet taste of normality but now I'm having doubts!

    Mum is on very little medication, is not having pain and feels reasonably ok, however, there are still one or two worrying things.  She has a very sore mouth and went to the dentist this Thursday.  He reckons this is due to her mouth being dry as a result of the RT and…

  • Friday June 4th - I got part of my birthday wish!


    Well I've had a lovely birthday!  Lots of nice cards and presents.  Mum and I went and spent some money at the Boundary Mill sale and had a really nice couple of hours before heading back home.  Mum remains very well today, no pain and able to really enjoy the day so that was the first part of my birthday wish sorted.

    The second part isn't sorted yet but I know it will be, it might just take a wee bit longer!  That…