Mum's CNS to the rescue again!!!

1 minute read time.

Having had no success with the dentist regarding GELCLAIR for mum's mouth and having no faith in the GP I rang mum's CNS, Christine, last night and left a message.  She rung me back this morning and asked me what the name of the gel was that I had asked for as she had also never heard of it.  I explained what I had been told by my friends in Chat (Thanks Anna, Mags, Carrot and anyone else who told me about it) and she got to work on it right away.  She rung me back at 4.45pm tonight to say that she had spoken to Dr Mehta and the gelclair had been ordered and that Dr. Mehta had given her the prescription.  So the upshot is the Gelclair will be ready and waiting at the hospital pharmacy tomorrow!! 

I cannot tell you what a support Christine has been over the past 71/2 months.  She sorted out mum's wheelchair, stairlift, shower stool, attendance allowance, blue badge etc. etc.  She always has time to talk to me and phones mum once a week to check she's ok and if she needs anything.  She does an amazing job and we have been really fortunate to have been put on her patient list.  I will be eternally grateful to her for everything she has done to ensure mum's cancer journey has been as painless as possible.
