Mum's mouth still very painful!

2 minute read time.

Mum did everything the dentist told her with the difflam and cordosyl but it hasn't worked.  We went back to the dentist tonight and he thinks it looks a bit better but it's certainly not feeling any better.  As a number of you on here suggested that Gelclair was the best treatment I asked him to prescribe it.  He'd never even heard of it!  So I explained it to him and gave him the website.  He has now advised mum to show her mouth to her oncologist when we see him on Thursday and see if he can prescribe gelclair.  I've rung mum's clinical specialist nurse and left a message to see whether she could maybe arrange for us to get a prescription tomorrow as otherwise mum is suffering for another 2 days before we see Dr Mehta.  The dentist worried me a bit as he seemed to think it was really important to show Dr Mehta mums mouth.  He has also referred her to the hospital as he says she has a lump between her top lip and her gum (right at the top) that may need to be removed.  Mum says it's been there for years but he thinks the radiotherapy may have caused it to become inflamed and to swell.  What next I ask myself?  I could see mum couldn't face the thought of having to have it removed, bless her.

Mum actually hasn't felt that well today, she's felt sick all day, something she rarely felt during chemo and RT.  However, she took her anti-sickness meds as we had some left and they've helped.  I'm hoping it's the mouth issue that's causing this nausea and that if we get that sorted the nausea will go.  It's such a shame as she had started to feel really well and this has set her back.  She's gone up to bed now for a sleep as she says she feels very tired and needs to sleep, something that had also begun to subside.

Finally,  I must mention wee Charly Johns.  Today she took a big step forward in her journey back to her family and I am absolutely delighted.  This little 7 year old girl has been through the mill and I am in awe of her strength and courage.  Tomorrow the docs will attempt once more to take her off the vent.  I just know this time will be a success and that Charly has both feet firmly on the road to recovery.  She is just amazing and an inspiration for us all.  God Bless you Charly!

  • FormerMember

    That Gelclair sounds really good - what a clever idea to ask for a script to be ready for you to have. You sound as though you have it all in hand - don't think your dentist really has much experience of cancer treatments. Just thought that if it were me, I might ask for blood tests again just in case white cells or haemoglobin has dropped off at all. He might offer this anyway, or it may be possible to have them done prior to seeing him, via the nurse? Then he would have the results to hand.

    Hope it all clears up soon and she is back to her proper self again asap :)

  • FormerMember

    Dear Caroline - hope your Mum gets some relief soon. Sending you all lots of love, Val X