My mum has extensive sclc

  • Thursday June 3rd - First sweet taste of normality!


    Today has been a good day!  A really good day!  Mum got up just after 9am.  We had some breakfast, watched a bit of day time TV and then went out to Middlebrook to do some shopping.  We went there because it has a big M&S and mum wanted some new trousers.  Anyway she didn't get any but the point is this.  We walked all round M&S, Homebase, Next, Clarks, Asda and Togg before going for a nice cold lager.  Mum walked…

  • May 30th 2010 - Mum a lot better today except for a small hiccup!


    Mum has been up since 8am and has not felt tired at all.  She has suffered less pain when eating although the big test will come shortly when she has some more solid food for dinner (just eaten, she struggled a bit).  She felt so good she's cleared out all her drawers in her bedroom and sorted out her summer gear ready for our holiday on July 31st!  Next she tackled the ironing.  Everything was going great and I had spent…

  • Mum slept most of day! (Also please pray for wee Charly!)


    My mum and I were up at 4.45am this morning.  Long story but our neighbour has dementia and decided he would pay us a visit, bless him, very sad!  Anyway after we got him back indoors, he was in the street in his PJs, mum went back to bed and slep until around 11am.  I didn't go into work as when Bill starts wandering he needs watching and he has no family near by.  She got up at 11am and was back in bed by 11.45am.  She…

  • May 25th 2010 - Mums seems a wee bit better!


    Mums MST was dropped last night and she will only have 10mg tonight, meaning she will only have had 20mg today.  She does seem a little better but not much and she's slept most of the day.  She doesn't seem so confused but is still shaky and a little unsteady on her feet.  Hopefully, tomorrow will see her pick up a little bit more.  I finish for half term on Friday for a week and I can't wait except that she'll have…

  • May 24th 2010 - Things getting worse not better!


    It's now a full week since mum finished her treatment and things are not great.  She has been having a lot of pain when eating and drinking, especially hot things.  On Friday she rung her CNS who said she would contact her GP and ask that he increase the meds Dr. Mehta has given her for the bad indigestion/heartburn she is experiencing.  When I went to the GP surgery on Friday evening to collect the prescription  I was…