Sunday June 13th - Good or Not Good?

3 minute read time.

Well I suppose mum has felt good since last Thursday (June 3rd) and I did say then we had the first sweet taste of normality but now I'm having doubts!

Mum is on very little medication, is not having pain and feels reasonably ok, however, there are still one or two worrying things.  She has a very sore mouth and went to the dentist this Thursday.  He reckons this is due to her mouth being dry as a result of the RT and as she has a top denture it has been rubbing on her gum.  He has given her difflam and something to soak her false teeth in but she doesn't feel any of it is helping.  Her gum is inflamed and althought she is trying to keep the teeth out as he told her to she won't go out without them (don't blame her!) and she can't eat or drink without them.  However, it's no worse so we'll just keep an eye on it.

The other two issues are worrying me more although I don't think mum is necessarily aware of either.  She has started to cough again, not all the time but I had got used to not hearing it and as that was what started all this off I panic each time I hear her cough.  She also seems to have become a little unsteadier on her feet again.  This had gone completely and a week ago she was striding out but now she's a bit shuffly and has the odd stagger (not booze related!).  She said yesterday her legs felt weak.  Theoncologist had given her steroids for two weeks and they finished on Thursday just gone so I'm wondering if that has reduced her energy a bit and made her less steady.

She used to be running round the house every day with the hoover and duster but since she became poorly has done less and less.  7 months of sitting in the chair watching TV would make your legs weak right?  I've suggested she go out for a walk but she won't do it.  Says she feels like a fool walking round the block but I think it's more nerves as she has lost her confidence.  She has had two bad falls in recent weeks and is covered in bruises, especially on her arms which look like blood near the surface of her skin.  I'm not expecting her to run a marathon, she is 74, but I do think she needs to start doing more, even if it's just around the house.  She won't climb the stairs or even walk down them and uses her stairlift all the time.  Again I think this is more to do with confidence.

The thing is I feel responsible for this as I wouldn't let her move after diagnosis.  I was so protective.  I suggested yesterday that she maybe start to do some dusting or a bit of hoovering.  She then said 'when I do things you tell me off and when I don't you tell me off'.  I pointed out that I didn't want her to do everything at once and only wanted her to do little bits to get herself more mobile.  This morning she did all the dusting downstairs so I suppose that's a start but I just don't think she's feeling as well as she says.  She seems a bit low.

I am hoping this is just because she's come off the steroids, anyone experienced this themselves or with a member of their family?  Anyone know if I'll ever stop being paranoid about every ache, cough and pain she has being the cancer coming back?  I feel very frustrated as I feel we should really be enjoying life rather than me worrying all the time.  Mind you I have always been a worrier!  Well that's my rant over for now.  Good or Not Good?  I'm not sure!

Finally,I'll just quickly mention wee Charly Johns.  At 2pm today she will go through a really important spontaneous breathing trial.  She has made some good progress over the past couple of days and this trial is really important.  I'm praying hard that it is successful or, at least, shows some more positive signs than last time.    

  • FormerMember

    Dear Caroline, your Mum and has been through an awful lot these last few months, and it wouldn't be surprising if she has lost some confidence. Of course you were protective - any daughter would be. However, the treatment she went through was necessarily harsh, and I'm sure it would take its toll on anyone, let alone a 74 year-old. Perhaps you could go for a little walk together? She might feel safer with an arm to lean on, or some company for security. (My step-dad used a stick to help him along, and it had the added benefit of being a sign to passers-by that he needed extra time and space.)

    I know there's no point me telling you to try to stop worrying - I wouldn't be able to if I were in your shoes - but try to take each day at a time.

    And remember - if there are some 'not so good' days, you can always have a therapeutic blog! Sending you and you Mum very best wishes. Val X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    Good words of wisdom from Val, I have the same problem walking and climbing stairs as your Mum by the time I get to the top I am absolutly knackered

    all I want to do is sit down until the pain goes away,

    but each day I still climb the stairs just to let myself know I can still do it.

    You and your Mum take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • Hi Caroline

    just sharing some experiences as the patient, the tiredness seems to come and go and I am now 7 months post treatment but still don't know which days will be good and if I overdo it suffer days later, its as if tiredness builds up then hits you, when your not expecting it as you think you are doing fine.

    Please don't take the next bit the wrong way, as carers you do all you can to protect your loved ones, often from a patients view over protect. What we want is normality, though we know thats not really possible, but we don't want to be wrapped up in cotton wool. So you are in a no win position and just need to let the comments go over your head and talk when needed. We need to be allowed to make mistakes and get it wrong its the only way we learn where our boundaries are and even then lots of us don't accept them.

    As you have seen chemo is hard and radiotheraphy equally as bad in creating side effects.

    As you are, encourage, support and give your mum choices and she will feel in control and start to push her self again and reassure her its ok on bad days, she just needs to let you know rather than you play 20 questions.

    Its good to hear she is doing as well as can be expected.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,  I had Chemo and radio which finished in January and I still have days when I feel totally exausted, I gave up work after diagnosis so I put it down to no longer running around all the time my fitness is not what it was, I also since chemo have days when my legs just wont go in the direction I want them to they seem to have a mind of there own (I am 37) I mentioned this to oncologist but they did not seem to think it was linked, I however feel it is just a side effect from all my treatment it can give me quite a fright if I am running up or down the stairs (usually to the demands of my lazy lazy daughters lol).  So I would say not to panick about your mum she will get her confidence back especially when the finer weather is with us I am sure.  My oncologist told me an athlete could take 6 months to recover there level of fitness so I think it would probably be about 2 years for little old unfit me.  Your mum has done so well, I also have a cough from scarringon the lungs which was from radio that could be the same for your mum (I pinch my husbands inhalor which I think helps).

    Love and strength Helen x