Help! Mum has a really sore mouth.

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Hi my mum developed a very sore mouth about a fortnight ago and last Thursday went to the dentist.  She has a top denture and her upper gum was really painful.  He gave her difflam and some stuff to soak her teeth in but they haven't touched it.  She's tried bonjela and bicarbonate of soda but they've not touched it either.  It cost her £30 at the dentist and the stuff has had no effect.  She's booked another appointment for Monday and I will go with her this time but I just wondered if anyone had suffered with a sore mouth (inflamed gums) after treatment.  There are no ulcers or anything but she said the dentist said it was inflamed and swollen.  If she could just get rid of this she would be great as otherwise she is feeling really well.  Any ideas?  Should we speak to her nurse rather than the dentist?  Any help or advice appreciated.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Celiswan,

    If its still there take your Mum to see her G.P. Dentists arnt the only ones who can treat your Mum.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Dxxitto what sarsfield has said. I hope your mum is much improved. good luck.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Celiswan, i developed a sore mouth too after starting taxol. No ulcers, just sore and inflamed gums. I tried cordosyl mouth wash and this cleared up the problem. Hope this helps your mum too.

    P.S prescription charges are now free for cancer patients

  • FormerMember

    thanks to all of you.  Gill dentist gave mum cordosyl but just to soak her false teeth in.  I've told her tonight to try using it as a mouth wash twice a day for the next couple of days so we'll see what happens.  Linda and Sarsfield mum has an appointment with the dentist on Monday so we'll see what he says as her false teeth seem to be hurting her but that may be because her gums are swollen.  If we don't get any joy there we've got an appointment with her oncologist on Thursday and will see what he can suggest.  To be honest we don't have a lot of faith in the GP as he was the one who sent her doolally by increasing her morphine too much which wasn't what she needed for severe heartburn after RT to chest!

  • FormerMember

    Hi celi, I know just bad this can be. I had Difflam and it worked so far, was given Orabase, which is a horrible paste and did noty really helpme at all, Doctor gave me prescription for Cordosyl which I have not got as yet, but best of all was when I told my nurses at the hospital about my mouth, saw the doc there and was given GelClair free of charge and wow what a difference over 24 hours. I also have dentures and have only started to leave them in water overnight making sure the container tub is sealed. A smoothie maker is good as I found that I can get soups, juices made and at least get in some vitamins as well as childrens yogurts. Believe it or not I even eat the Baby Rusks in warm milk. Hope this helps somehow and take care xxx