My mum has extensive sclc

  • Friday July 9th - Mum still not good!


    I'm not quite sure what's wrong with mum but I know there's something.  She says she's still not great when I ask her what's wrong.  She's back on anti sickness meds 3 times a day but as yet they don't seem to be working.  She is eating, but not much, and says she just feels nauseous.  She also says she is bored sitting around the house all day and night and I'm not surprised. 


  • Saturday July 3rd - A quick update!


    Well mum is doing ok but not brilliant.  I think she's been on a bit of a downer this week, perhaps thinking she should feel better than she does.  Is this normal when treatment finishes?

    She seems to have gone off her food which is strange as she didn't do this all the way through chemo and RT.  She has put it down to the taste of the gelclair but she hasn't used it for a week now and still isn't eating well.…

  • What next?


    The gelclair has worked brilliantly on mums mouth BUT.......  Why is there always a BUT?  Yesterday she felt sick all day and didn't really eat at all.  She used her anti sickness meds which kept it at bay but 'felt off'all day.  She got up this morning and still feels sick so she's had a cup of tea and has headed back to bed, having taken another anti sickness med.

    We're not sure what's caused this but think…

  • Thursday June 24th 2010 - Another milestone!


    231 days since mum was diagnosed with extensive small cell lung cancer and our world fell apart.  It was the day that the word terminal hit us like a bolt from the blue and the future looked bleak.  Since them mum has had 6 sessions of carboplatin and etoposide and10 sessions of RT to the head and chest.  Her life has been on hold as she has coped with the various side effects and extreme tiredness.  Having found out she was…

  • Mum has the Gelclair and Charly doing well!


    I picked up the gelclair from the hospital today and mum has now used it twice.  It's early days yet but she does think her mouth feels better already!

    I must mention Charly as she has done so well and is now off the vent.  It is nothing short of a miracle that she has succeeded in doing this and I am now praying that Anna and Keith will see a marked improvement every day.  Today she managed to speak to them, how wonderful…