Friday June 4th - I got part of my birthday wish!

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Well I've had a lovely birthday!  Lots of nice cards and presents.  Mum and I went and spent some money at the Boundary Mill sale and had a really nice couple of hours before heading back home.  Mum remains very well today, no pain and able to really enjoy the day so that was the first part of my birthday wish sorted.

The second part isn't sorted yet but I know it will be, it might just take a wee bit longer!  That wish, of course, is that wee Charly Johns turns the corner and comes back to her family and friends.  Tonight she continues to fight hard.  Her temp is high but, hopefully, the antibiotics will sort that out.  Anna and Keith are having a really tough time watching their baby struggling to get back to them but Anna still managed to take time to wish me a Happy Birthday.  Anna I am in awe of your strength and courage.  Keep believing!  She will come through this!  I am praying so hard that there will be a positive change soon.  Love and prayers for you always Charly, Anna, Keith and Jack.  XX

  • FormerMember

    Happy birthday to you...and my thoughts and prayers are with you...with much love. kathryn xxx

  • FormerMember

    So glad you had a happy birthday and that your mum was able to enjoy it with you.  Nothing like a successful shopping expedition!

    As for our Princess, I too am hoping and praying for Charly's recovery.  Her family are amazing!  So strong and selfless - they really deserve to have their baby back safe with them, please God!

    Happy Birthday and love,

    Marjorie x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Happy Birthday, sorry it's so late. Glad you had a good day with mum.

    So wishing that Charly turns the corner soon. I cannot imagine what her family must be going through.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Happy birthday Caroline xxx

    May there be many more perfect days with your mum!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    Happy Birthday. Glad you and your Mum had a good day out. I too hope wee Charly turns that corner and gets back to her loving Family.

    Take care and be safe. Big Hugs Sarsfield.XXX.