Loony Rambles

  • yays and nays


    Loved lying-in, stil feeling blissful from yesterdays hypnotherapy -  apart from having to turn my phone off as D tried calling me at 8.30am to see when I'd be turning up at nan's ;) - I didn't answer it, listened to voicemail later hehe! 

    Poor D has been a bit anxious now and then. She wanted to know if she could get get ''bad cells like mummy'' ... because she thought the tubes would hurt her much…

  • I went to my Happy Place ;)


    Well, D looked very sweet today - ballet was not a lesson but a photo session so they all had to pose, which she has NO problems with! Dropped the pink princess off at her nan's and met up with Lynne for our Coffee-Putting-Universe-To-Rights session ;)

    My friend Mike (Trish's Mike not Mars' Mike), who is a fireman, a druid and newly training NLP practitioner, has also done a course in relaxing hypnotherapy…

  • Wiggy days?


    Today, I had a midday appointment to pick up my wig. Mum offered to take me but to be honest she's done enough and, to make me sound more ungrateful, I'd seen enough of her this week and wanted to save more tilted-head-ness for lunch on Sunday ;) I KNOW she is there for me and I am lucky to have her and I am well looked after, but I sometimes get over-whelmed by everything, and sometimes get over-whelmed by…

  • wooozy, yes, with 3 o's


    Evening all. Progressive knackeredness. That's my technical term. Feeling very tired and woozy.

    And, on a different note, I'm still having to shave legs but much less often, and , erm, down below is rather sparse now, and I tried to sleep all day but my concerned mother called around TWICE and although it was nice of her and she dropped off food, WHY won't she listen when I say I just want to REST the day after…

  • NOT 'R' day after all


    Had chemo #5 ... but the Heath hospital didn't get it together to send results in time so I won't know til next Wednesday when I go in for the Boob Tube Flush - hopefully!!

    Sat with high temp and lots of cold orange juice feeling bit disappointed but hey, no news is good news n all that jazz ... :)

    Currently the plan is to complete cycle 3 (had 3a today - no, they *can't* call them 1,2,3,4 etc!), possibly…