NOT 'R' day after all

Less than one minute read time.

Had chemo #5 ... but the Heath hospital didn't get it together to send results in time so I won't know til next Wednesday when I go in for the Boob Tube Flush - hopefully!!

Sat with high temp and lots of cold orange juice feeling bit disappointed but hey, no news is good news n all that jazz ... :)

Currently the plan is to complete cycle 3 (had 3a today - no, they *can't* call them 1,2,3,4 etc!), possibly 4 depending on results... then have assessment at Velindre to see if need radiotherapy - the final decision will be made at a team meeting on the 21st. . . so may get away with stopping at 3 cycles, will know by time go in for 3b.

Bit hot and bothered so off to lie down again :)

  • FormerMember

    Ooooh Velindre... there's posh! Maybe we can have coffee at my place next? ha ha. and I think GC does lymphoma type stuff as well as bums. OMG that would be too funny for words if you got to see him. Poor man. we can't do that to him.

    Gotta go to a parents meeting but had to just say hi and will be crosssing again next wednesday instead. Hope you cool down soon

    Bug hugs

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    Disappointing day for you but it's soooo par for the course, I'm afraid. Chin up and cosset yourself - that high temp. needs watching so get your lovely girls to give you some TLC!

    Love & hugs,

    Annie  xxx

  • FormerMember

    Think it would have been a miracle if your results had come through within 24hours as mine never did. I always found it strange how I had 2 lots of ABVD, but it only counted as one. When you're on this game you just seem to be permanently at hospital, one week chemo, the next line flush, and that's before any complications rear their ugly head.

    Watch that temperature......

    Well, while we're relaxing or chatting away here, poor LM has another parents' evening. Hope they all heads on one side...or she might ask if they like sausages.

    Get those feet up, and just let yourself be....found at same stage that I was too tired to read, watch TV or follow a conversation.

    Take care,

    Love and big hug

    Louise xxxx

    PS Hugs to your mum and girls as well. They tend to get forgotten when all the attention is on you. xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hoping for the best, sending hugs, but will now uncross things till next week - it was hell going to the loo, I can tell you.
