Loony Rambles

  • Transformations, ponderings, and some fun too! Or, why is a raven like a writing desk?


    I have to say, it's been a blast!
    And thank you again to everyone I have shared the summer with :)
    Pam and I went to see another Shakespeare play over in Glanusk - watching plays out of doors just adds to the whole atmosphere (and being out doors seemed to be the theme for this summer) - and we took a bottle of pink bubbly left from my birthday and sat in the sun and laughed a lot :)

    The Girls were out…

  • Festival of Friends? ;)


    WOW ..........the Race for Life!... that was an amazing day - 14 of us amongst 6,500 people in Bute Park, so many weird and wonderful outfits, including a giant woopie cushion...... and with so many messages of love and hope/remembrance pinned to all our backs - J shot off in the runners group, the rest of us safe in the walkers haha! I still walk my dog but for much shorted walk these days, so by the 2nd…

  • Deeeeeeeeeeeeep, man


    Hello my lovelies! Congrats to Colin for completing his Run, and love and hugs to everyone here!

    So, Monday was Stitches Off Day. Hoorah! Felt REALLY weird saying goodbye to the nurses coz it will be September when I go back!

    Tuesday - Em M took me off to the Heath for my post-transplant chat. They took millions of tubes of blood and asked me how I felt and could I rate myself on their %age chart of activity.…

  • Bye bye Boob Tube!!


    Morning everyone, hope you're all ok today? Hugs and love to you all.

    Well, yesterday saw me arrive bleary-eyed at the hospital at 8 am. Mostly excited also slightly nervous (I remember the Hickman line going in and it wasn't pleasant!)

    So I was very pleased when they said I was first on the list :)

    Mr Blackett is the very good and very swear-y consultant, and he came up to get me to sign consent etc…

  • Well I never. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it ...


    Blimey I have left it a LONG time between posts!!! 

    It's possibly down to it being a kind of ''in limbo'' time, waiting, waiting, waiting .... waiting for appointments, scans, ops, results... always with this cancer malarkey it is about waiting... waiting for your brain to catch up with the latest information from your consultant, waiting for that niggle in your arm/back/leg/head to top, because if it doesn…