wooozy, yes, with 3 o's

Less than one minute read time.

Evening all. Progressive knackeredness. That's my technical term. Feeling very tired and woozy.

And, on a different note, I'm still having to shave legs but much less often, and , erm, down below is rather sparse now, and I tried to sleep all day but my concerned mother called around TWICE and although it was nice of her and she dropped off food, WHY won't she listen when I say I just want to REST the day after chemo?? *grump*

Anyway, my temperature has gone down and hovering on the ok numbers, hoorah :)

AND, my lovely friend Tiina (currently in Luxembourg) - sent me a silver trollbead in the form of a faeire/pixie - wow!!I hope Molly finds me a nice bracelet now hehe!

Taking my wooozy head off to find some nice co-codomols........... love to you all



  • FormerMember
    evening wooozer! It is letting me say hi on my phone if i do it in a weird way.. Weird. Anyway, who cares cos i can say take it easy ans welcome to the free hollywood club he he and you got a trollbead too ha ha get in!! You have to get the bracelet now Bug hugs and cwtches ans lullabies for sleepy woozy cariads Little My xxxxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    I don't mind if you do it in a weird way lol! Good luck tomorrow sweetpea!

    Heehee to free hollywoods! I KNOW - how fab is that?!

    Nos da sleepyhead, I'm off meself now ... xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hope your feeling a bit better this morning Cariad? I seem to be shaking off the post-chemo lurgy but still suffering chronic knackeredness so having difficulty sitting upright!

    Unlike you I don't have a Mum popping round, so if she doesn't mind a trip to Edinburgh...

    Love you, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Morning everyone.

    It must sound very ungrateful of me to moan about my mum! I would have to explain the whole history of our very odd relationship I guess, for it to make sense! :) Let me just summarise by saying, she has never listened to me ;) She is doing fab stuff, and I explained some days I am tired and unsociable and need to rest, so to do fab stuff on non-tired days, but then she calls over all the time and then says, ''oh, you look tired! '' bless her!!

    Hi Nic - thanks for the hugs! xx

    Hi Ann..... good to see you lurking --- I feel a bit 'bleugh' today, if that makes sense? Early early night for me! Love You too xxx

  • FormerMember


    Yes, this knackered feeling does get worse, so much so that ANYTHING is too much effort. This is why you need food, and treats.

    Mums are just mums all the time, and my parents were at opposite ends of the spectrum. Mum fussed and worried, Dad was angry (but kept it from me) but carried on as normal around me, which was annoying in another way. One instance was when I had just come back on the ward after having a line put in, and he started asking me about what I'd arranged for my mother's 80th birthday party! Priceless!

    Take care, and rest up. As my doc said to me..."Does it matter if you sleep in the afternoon?"
