Wiggy days?

1 minute read time.

Today, I had a midday appointment to pick up my wig. Mum offered to take me but to be honest she's done enough and, to make me sound more ungrateful, I'd seen enough of her this week and wanted to save more tilted-head-ness for lunch on Sunday ;) I KNOW she is there for me and I am lucky to have her and I am well looked after, but I sometimes get over-whelmed by everything, and sometimes get over-whelmed by her too, she is very intense, but I still love her lots :)

So, I was planning on dropping D at school then dozing on sofa and setting alarm to go to Usk. Before I took D, K sent me a text saying she was off today and wanted a catch up if I was up for it, so I said I had to go to usk and she offered to drive me which was fab coz I was/am knackered really! So (after my nap on sofa followed by visit from E next door with a crystal to hang in my window to reflect the light :) ) we went and got the wig - very nice and good colour and good fit - but - it just doesn't *feel* right! So I said thank you and wore it to the coffee shop but didn't like it still, so took it off in the car and put my wrap on again :)

I showed it to my girls and M said 'what do you think?' and I said I don't really like it and D said I should wear it coz she doesn't like me bald so I let them feel it and then even D said, hmm, we see what you mean LOL!

Still feel a bit in limbo as have to wait til next week for results. It's ok for ''them'', it's not their lives/health on the line! Anyhoo, could be worse, so plodding on. :)

Then Sas sent text to ask if I wanted a silver or leather bangle to put troll beads on so I'm def getting one which is SO lovely of them! I said silver, coz knowing me I'll manage to rot the leather one and then lose the beads lol! ;)

Cwtchs to you all, it's been an emotional day for some, so love and bessings to you all! xxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I'm pretty sure that wigs are mostly for other people, not us; they're hot, and they itch. And, as I think I've said somewhere else, in my case they make me look like a bloke in drag. Very bad drag.

    One of our friends, bless her, offered us some healing crystals. She's never seen our house, which is like Geode Heaven. I fear that, if crystal healing worked, neither Judy nor I would ever have a problem in our life. Same goes for the foo dogs in the doorway, supposedly warding off evil. Work harder, guys! But at least they're pretty. (The crystals, I mean. The foo dogs aren't to everyone's liking.)

    The troll bracelet will be pretty, too. Hurrah!

    Oh, the waiting. It's all very well for them, it's just another number. It's life and death to some other poor sod!


    - Hilary


  • FormerMember

    You're right, on all counts! (((HUGS)))


  • FormerMember

    I think you looked beautiful when I met you.

    I think you would look odd in a wig unless it was red and dreadlocky or something then you would look odd in a good way odd. I think the tea cosy that Hilary is going to wear might be a good idea... I have a nice tea cosy you could borrow... mind you, you have already experienced my taste in headgear so maybe stick to buffs and sensible scarves etc.

    Boo to waiting... I hate it so so much. We all do. Roll on wednesday for happy news.

    Thanks for all the support today, you are my cariad in every sense of the word

    cwtches to you

    Little My x


  • FormerMember

    Now LM, you'll get me sobbing!! Thank you :)))) <- that's a big silly grin by the way...

    Yeh, I may try to find an electric blue one for parties, but apart from that, it's buffs and tiaras all the way! :D

    You are more than welcome, after all, you have been very fab to me too ;)

    cwtchs xxx

  • FormerMember

    I hated the wig 'thing' too! I loved trying them all on to be honest. I adored all the different styles and colours. My poor dad was parking the car and when he arrived and mum and I showed him the styles I was trying on, he welled up. My heart broke for him because him and I were so close and he adored all his family.

    I rarely wore the 'thing' because it was hot, itchy and unnatural feeling. I did wear it on 'special' occasions. I wore it to my mum's 60th birthday party and everyone told me they never realised it was a wig until I saw the photos. OMG!!!! lol. I'll say no more lol. Another occasion was when I was at the local club and hubby had his arm around my shoulders. When he moved away he took my 'hair' with him. It was soooooo funny lol. I stuck to my bandanas. So much more comfortable.

    Love, Christine xx