Loony Rambles

  • So... 'R' day tomorrow.............


    I have felt a bit off today. Maddening backache has not helped! Bit nauseous. When I went for my  bloods today I mentioned it to the nurse and said I had actually felt a bit more ''icky'' (dontchya love my technical terminology??) for about a week so she said tomorrow when I go for chemo #5, I can ask the doc for stronger stuff. Yippee! Also, the injections I have to do are getting more painful... it seems I getting more…

  • Glow in the Dark?


    Well, no cancellations today! Arrived at the Heath hospital on time ready for PET scan! Although my mother demanded a complaints form as some chap from Lincolnshire arrived 2 hours early for his appointment and was allowed to push in and was called before me so mum turned all rattlesnake and got me in at same time lol!
    So ... sitting with a book, even a really good new one, for 90 whole minutes, waiting for…