Loony Rambles

  • Spot the error


    Today, I had a lie-in until almost 1pm!!! Oh my goodness that felt good! :)
    I thought I'd have a quick coffee and banana then pop out quickly to the shops for things we were short of... so.... I drove to the local village, only 1 and a half miles, got back in the car, tried to drive off, but  - horrid grinding noise?? The off side tyre was completely flat?! So had to call my rescue recovery fellas as my …

  • Feeling the Lurve


    Thursday night brought tipsy declarations from P ... I did a mini survey of friends and asked, do people say what they really feel when tipsy or not? The vast majority said yes, people do. So, I'm still smiling ;)

    Had a wonderful lie-in today, followed by my gorgeous 13 year old bringing me a cuppa in bed before heading off to Cardiff to do the cool things that 13 year olds do in cities on weekends... …

  • Small lurgy's, big lie-ins, nearly...


    Wednesday night saw D having her turn at the bug that's been going round her school, so Thursday morning she spent curled up on granny's sofa and I took half a day off and cwtched up with D on our sofa in the afternoon.

    Then later on we were told there was no water at the school that day and unlikely to be any there Friday - but today I did have LOTS to do at work so good ol' granny came to the rescue…

  • Results day, sort of?


    I saw some fit firemen in the firestation gym, which momentarily distracted me from the training course... then I dashed off to get the hospital for my Boob Tube Flush and the results.

    The consultant told me that the PET scan showed the lumps had disappeared apart from the one on the right hand side, so the chemo is working but I need more treatments ... so I will have 3b next week and then likely to need 4a…

  • Paint and cheese and more scarves and scary satnavs


    But, not all at the same time :)

    Well, trying to put a scarf round your head can get quite tricky when your arms are so much weaker and the scarf slips and by the time it's in the place you want it you can't tie it up straightaway because your hands and arms are aching... oh yes, mornings can be creaky anyway with the fibromyalgia, lol! So, I can't afford to press the snooze button on the alarm clock anymore…