yays and nays

1 minute read time.

Loved lying-in, stil feeling blissful from yesterdays hypnotherapy -  apart from having to turn my phone off as D tried calling me at 8.30am to see when I'd be turning up at nan's ;) - I didn't answer it, listened to voicemail later hehe! 

Poor D has been a bit anxious now and then. She wanted to know if she could get get ''bad cells like mummy'' ... because she thought the tubes would hurt her much more than me :-( Poor thing obviously thinking about it all ... I had to lie, which I try not to, but in this case I had to protect her, and say no, she couldn't get bad cells like mummy - how could I say ''oh yes, anyone can get them'' and then let her fret ?? So, it was one of those times where you balance out benefits of which facts are going to help! Bless her. Bloody cancer, fucking with everyone one way or another. Well, it can jolly well Fuck Off! :)

Today has been a bit back-achy... so been taking lots of co-codomol and ibuprofen. And eating Viennetta. I don't know if that's officially suggested for aches, but as a lesser-known South Walian remedy, I can recommend it... ;)

I have two Big Parties coming up, and wondering, if the doc wants to go ahead with 3b chemo, if they could tweak the date... I have talked to others who have managed this, so we can see :)

Well, back to work, Monday morning n all that tomorrow, I shall go armed with painkillers for the back and drink lots of coffee and smile nicely at the head-tilters from CAB ;)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    You did the right thing in not telling your daughter, there is plenty of time for that in the future. All the best and Good Luck for today. WATCH OUT FOR THE HEAD TILTERS>.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad

    What a difficult position to be in but think you did the right thing not telling her!  It's bad enough that stoopid cancer is messing up her head with her Mam being poorly. 

    Hope the aches go soon.

    Much love,

    Chrissie xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Yay for lying and lying in! Its so crap having to tell your kids and trying to reassure and protect and all that... grrrr. It will stand her in good stead for life though.

    Hope you managed work... and take it easy eh?

    Bug hugs and cwtches and big higs too and hope to see you again soon. Will be coming back your way to see surgeon at some point.. so maybe another coffee could be had.

    xxxxx and x for D

  • FormerMember

    It's unfair how this horrible disease affects everyone, especially children! Well done Ems for dealing with it in the only way possible.

    Sorry about the back ache. I,'ve been taking ibuprofen for pain control for years but the doc never told me about Viennetta, I wonder is it available on prescription?

    I'm still jealous of that hypnotherapy, especially now it seems to be working.

    Big parties mmmmmm worth shifting a few chemo sessions for. Good luck with that (invite the onco, that might swing it?) ( but only if he's dishy).

    So you and LM are planning to disrupt another coffee shop; don't forget to warn us.

    Big cwtches for you and little D, and little M as well, not forgetting chrissie who mustn't be left out!



  • FormerMember

    i think the worst thing about having cancer is telling the kids, the grown up ones and the grandchildren. I couldn't think of any way of pussyfooting around it so just came straight out with what I had to my 3. The older grandchilren understand but I don't think the younger ones do.

    But they have all come up trumps and made me feel proud of them. I think you've dealt with things well Cariad9. I get the impression D is still little and you are never sure what they are really thinking about things.

    I've got some good relaxation CDs I can copy if anyone would like one.
