"Its Oesophageal Cancer"

  • Wind


    Thank you all for your good wishes and comments, its strange really as when I write these posts I don't imagine many people reading them. It helps us remember its not all bad, best of luck to you all too.

    Any way Monday was a long but productive day in many ways.

    We left on the 5.17 train it was still dark so I didn't see what Peter was wearing until we were waiting for a bus in London, he had grabbed his mucky…

  • Yesterday


    Yesterday........We had a telephone call asking Peter to be at The Marsden this morning. 

    Today ,,,,,,,,,, Peter had an endoscopy  to look for any sign of gastric bleeding, we were shocked when it wasn't possible to get into his stomach as his oesophagus is blocked above the stent. we had felt we were heading for a blip but didn't reckon on this any way it seems the stent may have slipped and the original tumour is over…

  • Tonight's The Night :)


    Yes tonight I will be back in my own bed.

    Just watched the plane bringing the family back from Tunisia land at Gatwick. so they will be home in a couple of hours.

    We are leaving a welcome home layer roast in the slow cooker and high tailing it round the corner. much as we love em and are longing to hear all about their adventures. They will be to tired to chat tonight, but strangely so are we this virtual holiday lark…

  • Our Virtual Holiday


    Last Friday we spent a lovely day with our youngest daughter and her partner we took our grandchildren with us and enjoyed a river trip up the Medway. Saturday we started a virtual holiday in Tunisia with our eldest daughter, son in law and grandchildren, thanks to technology we have twice daily  videos, photos etc and its a lovely place, the food, sun & sea look fab and the band last night sounded good .


  • His Feminine Side xx


     Hythe Venetian Fete was brilliant, Peter and I had never been before, but heard it was good, well it was such fun, a carnival on water, each  float was pulled up the canal by a man in a row boat,they went up in daylight, after dark an enormous firework display, then floats came back down the canal all lit up,. Bands played,there was a fun fair and lots of stalls on the banks, we sat on the tow path enjoying  fish n chips…