Our Virtual Holiday

1 minute read time.

Last Friday we spent a lovely day with our youngest daughter and her partner we took our grandchildren with us and enjoyed a river trip up the Medway. Saturday we started a virtual holiday in Tunisia with our eldest daughter, son in law and grandchildren, thanks to technology we have twice daily  videos, photos etc and its a lovely place, the food, sun & sea look fab and the band last night sounded good .

'Calamity cancer' may have cancelled our booking  but  we are sitting here in the sun raising a glass of vino collapso and planning for next year.

As we couldn't go we are Puppy / house sitting  I sleep here and Peter goes home, just 5 minutes away, he needs his electric bed to control the night reflux.

We have collected our new car and are planning some nice days out as soon as  we are stood down from Puppy patrol.

Peter feels well although his appetite is fading and his weight is dropping and he has a touch of the wobbley boot, the falls indoors have not caused injury but the last one on the pavement left him barked in several places. it seems we may be heading for another hillock on this journey.  He has a tumour on his adrenal gland I wonder if this maybe the cause.

Its his 68th Birthday tomorrow oops, just realised Ive not got him a card or pressy, guess I will just put a bow round me ample middle, and a gift tag on me ear xx

