Tonight's The Night :)

1 minute read time.

Yes tonight I will be back in my own bed.

Just watched the plane bringing the family back from Tunisia land at Gatwick. so they will be home in a couple of hours.

We are leaving a welcome home layer roast in the slow cooker and high tailing it round the corner. much as we love em and are longing to hear all about their adventures. They will be to tired to chat tonight, but strangely so are we this virtual holiday lark has exhausted us. But then we have been caring for a lively puppy. who has managed to chew a hole in their lounge carpet oops maybe we haven't cared that well.

Peter is looking tired, his appetite is diminishing, he just does not feel hungry he knows he should eat so he tries but eats a tiny portion very slowly. But he is still managing to do most things, we went to Gears of Change yesterday a classic car show with live music all day it was very good . So many of the cars were from our youth seems strange to see em now on show. My first car was a mini looking at one yesterday we couldn't believe we used to ............ in the back . Nice trip down memory lane.

