HatzJ's blog

  • 2 year struggle


    I havent been on here for ages. I used this site alot just after my mum died.. but now 2 years on i find myself back on here, because i am really really struggling right now.. I keep on getting told to get on with my life, that im lucky, i should be over my mum now.. and so thats what i pretend to do...but i need her, really, really, really need her. I need her guidance, her love, i cant put it into words, but im finding…

  • Help.


    Im struggling. I dont know where else to go, i dont have anywhere else to go to let this out. Mum died april 2009, i was 19, as time goes on im loosing more and more confidence and running out of hope that anything will ever get better.

    Since mum died, my aunt, and uncle have both been diagnosed with cancer, my cousin also got told he had cancer but then got told it wasnt but no one knows what it is. My other aunt has…

  • Grief..... no emotion like it.


    I need to rant so please excuse me but i have no one else to rant to.....

    Thursday brings one year since my mum died... and according to my family we are to treat it like any other day, not honour it in any way... whats the point in getting upset i am told.... nothing hurts more than to be told this.. its a year since i lost the most precious person in my life, a year since my darling mum got taken from me for ever  and…

  • Mum <3


    11 months today since the day i held my mums hand as she died.. i remember the hospice nurse telling us as we left that day that this is where the hard work begins.. and i remember thinking.. hard work? it cant get worse that watchin your mum die..surely it cant be any more gut wrenching then this. Turns out her words held alot of truth. Its only now that the memories are no longer able to stay out of harms way.. they…

  • Time a healer?


     I wish there was a book on how to cope with grief, then id know what i was feeling is normal..and im not being pathetic.

    Mum died last April, and instead of things getting easier, since christmas everyday has got harder and harder, every day i feel sadder and sadder..no one told me this was goin to happen. I think im only just beginning to realise what ive lost and that actually she is never going to come back.. i am…