Getting my head around it

  • Progress report


    It's a month since I posted anything but life goes on.  I'm on 3-monthly injections of Decapeptyl, -standard treatment for secondaries I understand.  Symptoms are up and down with corresponding moods.  I'm told that this is normal for anti-hormone treatment and I'd better get used to it.

    On the positive side I have few hot flushes, mostly at night and they are mild, not real soakers!  My weight and appetite…

  • Sad story: Death at Home


    This one is not about me, I've put an update on my status. It's about an old friend I met by chance this morning.  I knew his wife was ill, housebound and unable to get about at all. I asked him how she was. "She is at peace now" he said.

    His wife, for whom he had cared for seven years, died a little over 2 weeks ago. She had been in a lot of pain and had made it clear she had had enough.  Her carers…

  • Blackmail


    Blackmail.  Strong word that may upset some people if they read on.There's no sex or swearing in what I hope to write but many may disagree with my views.

    I am angry and confused about doctors, nurses and patients.  I was brought up to believe that doctors were supposed to be there for patients who felt ill and wanted help. Doctors were trained to know about illness and what treatments were available. No doctor could…

  • What to tell the neighbours.


    What do I tell people I meet? This was a question I tried to answer when I first knew I had cancer plus mets in my bones. I had a huge temptation at first, to tell everyone and get sympathy. "Oh you poor thing, you're so brave". I could have expected that reaction, or could I? I decided not to test it out.

    So my wife and I told our four children and said we were keeping it in the family for the moment.…

  • Yoyo moods


    Oh to feel like I did for the last blog entry. So optimistic then that all was going well  So the weeds (mets) had their comeback at me and I've been feeling low the past two days.  The pains got worse so that walking was difficult and picking things up from the floor, -better avoided if possible. I have to use tricks like holding onto things as I bend. Thank goodness my arms remain strong and, once upright, I can carry…