Progress report

1 minute read time.

It's a month since I posted anything but life goes on.  I'm on 3-monthly injections of Decapeptyl, -standard treatment for secondaries I understand.  Symptoms are up and down with corresponding moods.  I'm told that this is normal for anti-hormone treatment and I'd better get used to it.

On the positive side I have few hot flushes, mostly at night and they are mild, not real soakers!  My weight and appetite are the same and the old brain still works quite well in conversation and doing puzzles etc.  Also my tender nipples, from the 3 months of Bicalutamide, have almost gone and I feel normal in that department.  My original symptom of poor and slow stream has also improved, mostly by day.

On the down side I am much weaker in the legs.  I can walk, and made it to and from the barber's today which is a round trip of 3 miles. But walking is slow and sometimes painful. I used to be able to climb the stairs by running up them. I could walk upstairs holding 2 cups of tea. Not any more. I have to go one step  up with my good leg and follow with the other to the same step, 28 steps to the top instead of 14.  Pelvic pain generally is much more intrusive and makes sitting on a firm chair painful. Bending to pick up from the floor is painful and I have have to use one arm pressed against a thigh to reduce the effort. I use tricks like holding on with one hand to a chair or cupboard for reaching and bending down.  I wonder if the injections are working as I had been led to hope they would for a year or so, not just 3 months.  Noctural frequency and urgency is a real downer as my sleep is disturbed every night and I feel I can't empty the bladder properly.

The urologist will see me on Monday next. He listens and is good at explaining things.  I have some questions for him. Just at the moment I'm feeling well. They say that laughter is the best medicine and I'm very lucky to get plenty of that at home and with people I meet.
