Yoyo moods

1 minute read time.

Oh to feel like I did for the last blog entry. So optimistic then that all was going well  So the weeds (mets) had their comeback at me and I've been feeling low the past two days.  The pains got worse so that walking was difficult and picking things up from the floor, -better avoided if possible. I have to use tricks like holding onto things as I bend. Thank goodness my arms remain strong and, once upright, I can carry or lift heavy things if I need to. I've been working on the garden wall these last few days and the worse part has been trying to mix the sand and cement for the mortar. Very painful but worth it once mixed as I can carry the bricks easily and place them.

Sometimes I start the day full of energy but go flop after lunch and into the afternoon. I can't walk properly now but have to 'throw' each leg forward with the knees and push off with the foot and ankle. Walking to the GP surgery (a mile or more each way) seems impossible right now.  Yesterday I felt like going to 'the room' and having a good scream, indulging myself with horrible thoughts that my treatment isn't working and the weeds are spreading in this warm weather. Today I can write about it as things are not too bad after all.

Just to let anyone who reads this that I'm as frightened as anybody about cancer. To read that mood swings are one of the possible side effects of bicalutamide and decaserpyl doesn't help much when you're feeling low.  Thank you for your patience with me.

This evening came to the MacMillan site as usual to read other people's entries. Somehow this helps me  and I'd like to help others if I can. Mood up again just now and looking forward to my evening meal cooked by my head chef (dear wife).  Thanks for listening to this bit of a rant from an aged member of the PC Group. Hope for better feelings tomorrow.

  • FormerMember

    That's no rant. It's merely an everyday mood swing. Admittedly it is assisted by the chemicals doing their best to provide one form of balance by throwing out another for good measure, and usually with a bit extra on the side just to keep you on your toes. Sorry, not an altogether appropriate bit of phraseology!

    As for starting off in good form and then flagging, well it even happens to us lucky young people going to work. Some days are better than others. Sometimes, not very often though I will admit, I don't even nod off at the office through being so deeply engrossed in my employ.

    At least you are doing things that have a purpose. I sit on my best feature most of the day and avoid facing reality, and irritate the hell out of people by blogging or e-mailing. Well, somebody has to make that kind of sacrifice, and why not me? I'm pretty good at annoying people. 

    Here's hoping the head chef did the trick last night.


  • FormerMember

    Hi David,

    It's good to see the hormones are working, but I hope the effects get better as time goes on. They may be making you tired, but your story about the garden wall makes me feel tired too.

    I found an hour's rest when I was at my lowest set me up for the rest of the day.

    Exercise is good, but I do wonder how big this garden wall is going to be!

    Good luck,


  • FormerMember

    David .  I'm very good at these mood swings too.  Mine is also to do with hormones, but in my case the menopause.  It certainly isn't easy but I get through it by knowing that a good day is never far around the corner.  I'm not too sure about this garden wall, sounds a bit too energetic to me!  Take care. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tim, thanks for the encouragement. I've just re-read your profile and I feel humbled.  Thank you so much for commenting on my blog.  Yes, the head chef did the trick last night and we had a very happy meal with some red wine and a lot of laughter.

    Thank you Colin for your comments.  I'm on the last section of the wall now.  Total length 24 metres, started last year, well before I knew there was owt wrong with me! I have about 8 metres left at one end where there is some half metre of height to build and top. Then it will be finished, -and me too!

    Hi Margaret853, thanks for commenting. Hormonal mood swings are a new experience for me. Curiously I don't get hot flushes at all in spite of what the doctors tell me to expect.

    Finally a growl about this site. It ought to be possible to reply to each comment whether here on a blog or anywhere else. It isn't or I can't find out how to do it. That's why I had to reply to three comments in just one reply. Sorry everyone.