For The Love Of Gordy - A Sister's Story

  • PTBs Give With One Hand And Take With The Other


    Well a week ago we were all a little bit happy but today is a different story!

    Gordy has had a lovely week going out with our brother Paul and as an added bonus another friend, Mongy (the reason for the nickname has been lost in the mists of time and copious amounts of alcohol down the rugby club) has also been home from Oz!  Think much fun was had by all but I stayed out of the way as Paul and me do not get on!


  • Halloween, Birthdays, Good Days & Bad


    Well I haven't been to MacLand for a week so I hope you are all as well as can be expected and that you have had a good week.  There are some of my friends who I know have not had a good week and you are in my thoughts.  Special love to AnnFran and Nev.

    Where to start.  I think with the nephew's birthday party!

    His actual birthday is Halloween but his mother decided to hold his birthday party on the 28th October…

  • The PTBs Must Have Heard Me!


    Two month's ago the doctors, specialists, onocologist et al had my brother dead and buried within a very short space of time.  His liver had virtually stopped functioning, his blood wasn't good, his kidneys were starting to fail and his bones were not looking too good either.

    Yesterday he had his 4th chemo session and also got the results of tests they did on Monday.  His bones and blood are great, his kidneys…

  • I Would Now Like To Be Called....




    This is because there is another Chrisie on the 'thread that shall not be named' and it was causing confusion so as I look on everyone in Mac Land as my extended family I shall now be signing everying off with my family nickname 'Nin'.


    Much love,

    Nin xxxxxx

  • I Am A Heartless Bitch


    I was so dreading today and have just hurt my Mam and I don't know what to do about it.

    Just walked Rocky down to hers and she wants to go to the cemetery because today is the 34th anniversary of my Dad leaving us.  The thing is I just don't feel able to handle it because of Gordy.

    I feel so selfish and heartless.