For The Love Of Gordy - A Sister's Story

  • You Can Call Me Crazy If You Like But...


    Hello lovely people.

    The strangest thing happened to me this morning.

    I woke up at 9am (having not gone to bed until 3am) and me and the pooch were snuggling into the duvet debating as to whether or not we should stay there for another hour or get ourselves up and at the day.  I just laid there stroking Rocky for a while and closed my eyes.  I wasn't asleep because I was stroking Rocky all the time.  For a fleeting…

  • Where Do I Start? (And Are You Sitting Comfortably?)


    First of all can I please send all my love, hope, squidgy hugs and profuse apologies for not being around over the last couple of months.  I hope that all my lovely friends are as well as can be expected and I have missed all of you and your stories and funny antics very much.

    It has been a horrible couple of months for my brother, me and my family and I will confess that I just didn't have the energy to log in to MacLand…

  • Safely Home, Hunky Doc, Lunch, Shopping and Proving the Pessimists Wrong!


    Gordy I am pleased to report arrived home at midnight, knackered but happy after having spent a good weekend with Dougy and their workmates.

    I went to see the gorgeous Dr Elliott this morning as he is the only GP in our surgery who is able to give cortisone injections and I finally decided that my freezing (and almost frozen) shoulder was not going to get better on its own.  He duly obliged and I am happy to report that…

  • And So I'll Try Again...


    I am sitting typing this cosied up on the sofa with Rocky after having walked the little blighter in what felt like -20C.  What a wuss I am!  It wasn't of course but there was a heck of biting wind blowing against us.  Good job we treated Rocky to a new coat which he got early rather than at Christmas!

    The last month has been very strange in lots of ways.  Lots of ups and downs and people not really knowing what to do…

  • Aaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh!


    Have just been typing an update for the blog for the last half hour and don't know what happened but it disappeared!!!!

    My hands and arms are aching too much to do it again so will try again later.

    Hope everyone is as well as can be expected.  I know I haven't been around much over the last month and I promise to catch up with you all as soon as these old arms of mine will allow me to do so.

    Much love,
