For The Love Of Gordy - A Sister's Story

  • The Fight Is Over...


    Well my lovely MacFamily I apologise for my absence and lack of support for you all but I'm afraid the grief monster got a strangle hold on me and I have been hiding in my shell for weeks unable to face the world's horrific realities and sadness that permeates everything I do, touch, or experience.  Never in a million years did I think that I would be so badly affected, thinking rather illogically that I was prepared…

  • The Longest Night... And Day... And Night!


    My niece Laura (Dougy's daughter) took me and her Mam, Alma to the hospice at teatime on Thursday 8th March.  My heart was in my mouth as it was raining and everytime she braked you could hear the discs grinding.  Replacements were long overdue!!!!!

    We got there and Gordy was sleeping.  Mumsy and Dougy were still there and looked shattered.  We all got chucked out of the room while Gordy was fitted with a catheter as…

  • The Last Days At Home


    The Tuesday after the fundraiser was strangely quiet.  Gordy spent virtually the whole day in bed as he was completely exhausted.  He was wedging his feet up against the wall at the head of the bed to try and ease the swelling.  We tried to put together a leg rest with the washing basket and pillows but as soft as the pillows were, they still hurt his skin.  How he managed to sleep with his feet up against the wall I do not…

  • The Fundraiser (The Beginning of The End)


    Hi everyone. Sorry it has taken so long for me to get back to you all. But I know you will understand.

    So here we go on the final days of my beautiful brother's life but I am going to have to do this in stages as there is so much to write and I am still too raw to do it all in one go.

    There was an awful lot of upset connected to the organising of his fundraising evening caused by too many cooks spoiling the…

  • Stop All The Clocks...


    I am sorry I haven't been around much lately.  I have just dropped in to let you know that my beautiful brother left us on Saturday 10th March 2012 at 9.45pm.  I will be back to tell you all about it but for now I will leave you with a poem I created from a vision I had a few weeks ago.

    Much love and squidgy hugs,

    Nin xxx


    Standing alone in the station,"A strange place to be", he thought
