Halloween, Birthdays, Good Days & Bad

4 minute read time.

Well I haven't been to MacLand for a week so I hope you are all as well as can be expected and that you have had a good week.  There are some of my friends who I know have not had a good week and you are in my thoughts.  Special love to AnnFran and Nev.

Where to start.  I think with the nephew's birthday party!

His actual birthday is Halloween but his mother decided to hold his birthday party on the 28th October as Kyle would be back at school on his birthday!  So Mumsy and me duly set off for The Southlands Centre at 5.30pm, birthday cake in hand.  When we went into the 'food' room I was shocked to see how little food was actually on the table for 40 ravenous kids who were dancing their little socks off in the 'disco' room and playing party games organised by the very good resident DJ!  Our Dougy arrived and went nuts as he had given Kyle's mother a small fortune for food, etc and he grabbed Mumsy to do a very quick trip to Morrisons which luckily is located just down the road from Southlands!  She's a cheeky mare our Kyle's mam - most of the money was probably used for her own Halloween party which she had organised for the Saturday night!  Dougy came back and a nightmare 30 minutes ensued cutting up pies, pasties, sandwiches and quiches and opening crisps and other really healthy stuff!  Then came the fun part.  Dougy went virtually purple when he saw the birthday cake resplendent with the Middlesbrough FC crest as he is an ardent Liverpool FC supporter and has been trying to recruit Kyle to the cause from the day he was born!   Ooooooops - naughty Aunty Nin - but it was what he wanted so I duly obliged knowing fine well Dougy would have a fit!

Dancing and games over, 40 over-excited 5-9 year olds invaded the food room and demolished virtually everything edible like a plague of locusts!  (Good job Dougy and Mumsy DID go to Morrisons)!  We did our best to get them all sat back down to sing happy birthday but didn't manage very well.  Have you tried to control 40 sugar-rushed kids who's parents were either not there or looking anywhere but at their little darlings half of whom were battering holy hell out of the other half!!!!  Love kids me!

Off the little blighters trotted with their party bags but I swear we got some of them mixed up and boys went off happily swinging girls bags and vice versa.  Oh the disappointed faces when they got home must have been a sight and yes I did give a couple of the more thuggish boys a girlie bag with bracelet and necklace in it on purpose!  Oooooops - naughty Aunty Nin!!!!!

So to clean up but I left that to my nieces and spent a happy 15 minutes chasing Scarlett (2), Dylan (4), Brandon (6) and a few stragglers around the very long table. I did start thinking how ridiculous I must have looked but quickly pushed that thought out of my head as I was enjoying myself.  It came to a sad but funny end when Brandon slipped and went skidding into one of the very full rubbish bags which duly emptied sticky left over cakes, sarnies and jelly and custard all over the floor!  Oooops - naughty Aunty Nin - worse than all the kids put together according to my niece Janine!!!!!  This observation came after I had crumbled and rubbed sticky Butterkist popcorn into Courtney's hair which must have been a bit of a bugger to wash out!  Oh dear - time to go!!!!!!

So the following day Dougy took Gordy to Blackpool for a couple of days much to Mumsy's dismay as she thought it would be too much for him having had the chemo on the 26th.  By all accounts and if the photographs are anything to go by, he had a jolly good time, even if he was absolutely cream crackered when they got back on Sunday night.  Quite a few nice memories stored up there methinks!

Halloween dawned and Gordy got a constant stream of visitors with it being his birthday and by mid afternoon he was right ratty so he went to bed.  We all went off to the local Toby Carvery for a birthday tea which didn't go well as he was not feeling good at all and I had a grotty upset tummy which didn't allow the roast gammon to stay down for very long.  Not a good day for Gordy but I did think the timing of the chemo sesh would leave him feeling grotty by the time his birthday came.

Still he has something to look forward to this week as he is getting his new car - whiz bang brand new Ford Focus with all the trimmings.  He's not feeling all that good at the moment though.  Says he's getting niggly pains in his liver and he is constantly worried that the cancer tumours are growing again even though the doctors have told him it is the chemo fighting the cancer that is causing the pains.

Wish I could put his mind at rest but nothing seems to at the moment and he is very niggly, particularly with poor Mumsy who is just about at the end of her tether.  I am praying that the scan he has on the 10th gives him some good news but I know he is dreading it and thinking the worst.

I got two beautiful cakes made this week.  One was a joint 18th cake on a camping theme and the other a birthday cake for a 15 year old girl who wanted the obligatory pink, black and gold leopard skin print with hearts and feathers.

So that's me up to date.

Much love,

Nin xxx


  • FormerMember

    Naughty auntie Nin!!!

    ha ha that party made me laugh, but I had just summoned up enough energy to actually read it and by the end I was knackered!!!  Phew, I'm glad I work with teenagers cos little kids sound crazy!

    Hope he is less niggly now and good luck with the cakes..

    lots of love to you and a big hug too

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    If spilling rubbish over the floor is needed to raise a laugh, then do it I say,

    Colin xxxxx