For The Love Of Gordy - A Sister's Story

  • Just When You Think This World Sucks!


    A quick update as the birds are singing and now I've been up to 'pee' I can't get back to sleep.

    Gordy went for a check up on Monday and the 'nice' doctor told him that the chemo had not been working since the middle of December and his body had been fighting the cancers on its own since then.  He said that Gordy is no worse now than he was in December and although the 'nasty' doctor from the previous…

  • Didn't We Have A Luvverly Time


    Today was a beautiful day.

    Mumsy, Gordy, Alex (his daughter), Zainy (his grandson) and Dougy (our brother) went mooching around the lovely little villages just outside Scarborough.

    Mumsy went on a memory trip in Snainton which is where here brothers and sister were evacuated to during the war.  She wasn't evacuated as she was just a baby and families would not take babies.  The we went to Thornton le Vale for lunch…

  • Just To Let You Know


    Gordy went to the hospital on Monday for this week's chemo tablets.

    Later in the day his consultant's secretary rang Mams as they wanted him to go back and the message was not to take any of the drugs he had been given.

    Gordy went back to the hospital on Tuesday morning.  They took the drugs off him and told him that the chemo was doing more harm than good, his blood count had dropped dramatically in 5 days and…

  • A Heartbreaking But Comforting Day


    A very strange day indeed.

    I think I was so exhausted trying to please all the people all of the time and failing miserably in the majority of cases that my sub-conscious decided enough was enough and although I woke up at 7am and went to the loo, I got back under the duvet, cuddled the pooch and we slept soundly until 10.30am.  Wow and hurrah for snuggly sleep-ins with the added bonus of a furry hotwater bottle that…

  • Downer... (So I Will Not Be Offended If You Don't Have the Strength To Read It)


    Hi everyone.  Hope you are all as well as you can be and that life is being good to you.

    Our Gordy has cancer tumours in his liver as big as my fist and is in a lot of pain, although he is still up and about.  He wants to go to Dubai next month to see our niece Tia who will be visiting my brother Paul with her mother (they live in the Phillipines).  He went to the hospital to get a form filled in to confirm the drugs he…