You Can Call Me Crazy If You Like But...

1 minute read time.

Hello lovely people.

The strangest thing happened to me this morning.

I woke up at 9am (having not gone to bed until 3am) and me and the pooch were snuggling into the duvet debating as to whether or not we should stay there for another hour or get ourselves up and at the day.  I just laid there stroking Rocky for a while and closed my eyes.  I wasn't asleep because I was stroking Rocky all the time.  For a fleeting moment an image came into my head as clear as bright sunlight.  My Dad was sitting on a bench in a railway station.  He checked his watch and then looked up and smiled.  The station was called 'Destination'.  It only lasted for a fleeting few seconds and then it disappeared but it made me feel so calm, if only for a moment.  I kept sqeezing my eyes shut to try and get it back again but try as I might it just wouldn't come back.  Now you can call me crazy if you want to but I believe my Dad is waiting at that station for our Gordy and he was trying to tell me that he will be there and Gordy is going to be alright.

Gordy started the new chemo yesterday.  It is a course of tablets that he has to take over 5 days and then has a break for two weeks before he gets the next round.  I know he is so worried that it isn't going to work and I've got everything crossed hoping that it does and he gets some more precious moments with Alex and Zain.

Ems - I hope your harvesting is going well.

LM - I look forward to your cheery antics today.

Hope everyone else is as well as you can be.

Much love,

Nin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh what a lovely way to wake up Nin, how comforting. Good luck wishes to Gordy for positive results and much love to him and family.

    love and huge hugs to you Nin,

    Take care

    Jan xxxx

  • Hi Nin

    what a lovely,warm and reassuring image to come at such a stressful time

     My good wishes to Gordy and hope that the new chemo does give him that precious time

    I too will keep everything crossed for a positive outcome

    Warm Hugs to you and yours

    Scraton xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nin,

    I had a dream like that about dying once and I remember that lovely feeling so well. It also made me not scared of dying too.

    I will be hoping that the chemo works well for Gordy with not too many side effects that you are surrounded by love to see you through.

    My antics were not very cheery yesterday as I wanted to murder a couple of my colleagues but have a read of warped anyway cos I think I did veer off into silliness at one point about wombles or something...

    All the hugs (cos as Hilary says they are regenerating)

    Little My xxx

    ps can you have a spongebob cake for your wedding? hahaaaa I think it was you who asked... yes, I am meant to be getting married this Spring (just need to set a date that doesn't clash with hospitals, scans, ops etc.. and decide what to do etc .)


  • FormerMember

    Hahaha LM - I think you are allowed anything you want for your wedding cake! xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh, so a chocklit orange tower is ok is it? maybe with a Little My balanced on top? .... hahaaaaa! Can't wait! xxx