Safely Home, Hunky Doc, Lunch, Shopping and Proving the Pessimists Wrong!

1 minute read time.

Gordy I am pleased to report arrived home at midnight, knackered but happy after having spent a good weekend with Dougy and their workmates.

I went to see the gorgeous Dr Elliott this morning as he is the only GP in our surgery who is able to give cortisone injections and I finally decided that my freezing (and almost frozen) shoulder was not going to get better on its own.  He duly obliged and I am happy to report that it is working, to the extent that Mumsy said she could almost see the pain draining away as I slowly but surely got the smile back on my face as the day went on!  Yippee for cortisone and hunky GPs and boo to the fact that it would be totally unethical for me to jump his bones!  Ooooo - naughty, naughty Nin!!!!!

I took Mumsy to get her hair done and then we went into town for lunch and a little shopping.  She finally spent the Debenhams voucher that Dougy gave her LAST Christmas on a new winter coat which she looks absolutely gorgeous in.  She tried her best to buy me a new watch for Christmas but the ones I liked didn't have the correct colour face that I liked and the ones with the correct colour face didn't have the design that I liked and I refused to let her buy me something that I didn't truly and absolutely adore!

And the best news of all is that Gordy has now passed the 4 month timeline, sticking two fat fingers up at nasty C and proving all the doctors wrong!

I love days like this!

Much love,

Nin xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hoorah for all those good things...

    I have been sticking rolos up my arse to tempt GC for ages now... hasn't worked so far , just got a new doc (ha ha)  so I would suggest another tactic (plus you need to have a reason for him to look up there of course)

     Hmmm. Rolo shoulder pads...?

    Hope gordy continues to defy the odds and you continue to be pain free- does all this cke stirring have anything to do with your painful arms???

    Lots of hugs and get a! watch!

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi LM

    Cakes are easy - I've got a Kenwood!!!

    It's 30+ years of typing faster than most people can take shorthand that's knackered my hands and arms.  Used to pride myself on being able to type up 150 page reports in a couple of days when it took most secretaries and administrators at least a week to do the same job!  If I'd only known the trouble I was storing up for myself.....

    Rolo shoulder pads - now there's a thought!  Or I could always make one of my chocolate truffle cakes to tempt him into my web!  LOL!

    Loads of warm and cuddly hugs to you too!

    Nin xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Yay and hurray for nice gp's with magic to ease shoulder pain, and for new winter coat for mumsy and a nice shop day AND especially for big fingers up to the C xxx

    Take care

    Jan xxx

  • FormerMember

    I messed myself up typing, too. I started on manuals, which you really had to thump - I still thump a bit, and my computer keyboard tends to look at me a bit warily. Still, I can still type, which will be useful when I get back to work - whenever that will be!

    YAY to Gordy, and boo to stupid prognoses. Nobody really knows anything, least of all 'how long'. Hope he keeps on kicking it in the bum.

    Yay for you, too, and all that you do. I hope you're taking plenty of time to take care of yourself in among it all.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Nin

    Pleased Gordy home safe and sound. You sound as though you had a really good day on Monday, I hope the rest of the week has been as good!

     Nobody says you can't dream about good looking Drs!

    Shopping and Lunch sounds good to me especially on a Monday!

    Hope Gordy continues to prove everyone wrong for a long time to come!!

    Take care

