Just To Let You Know

Less than one minute read time.

Gordy went to the hospital on Monday for this week's chemo tablets.

Later in the day his consultant's secretary rang Mams as they wanted him to go back and the message was not to take any of the drugs he had been given.

Gordy went back to the hospital on Tuesday morning.  They took the drugs off him and told him that the chemo was doing more harm than good, his blood count had dropped dramatically in 5 days and the cancers in his liver were not responding and growing fast.

Gordy now has 3, maybe 4 weeks left with us.

I am really sorry I haven't been around for the last week or so and to be honest I am so upset I don't think I will be for a while.  Even though we all knew this was coming I still hoped for a miracle that didn't come.

Please keep Gordy in your prayers  He is a very special man and loved by many.

Much love,

Nin xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear this news, Gordy and your family will be in special prayers tonight and over the coming days. xx

  • FormerMember

    Dearest Nin,

    So so sorry to hear your news. I have a protection practice that I do (not a Christian) and will do it for Gordy and for you to give you the strength and courage to get through this next phase...

    I wish you all the love and courage there is and we are always here whenever you need us.. just shout and we will be there with a hug and shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold.

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    I'm sorry, Nin. No matter how much you know something is inevitable, a part of you still always hopes for a miracle. You and your family will be in my thoughts.

    Much love


  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry to hear this - your and your Mother's love for your brother shines through so strongly.....if love alone could cure him he would have been healed long ago.  It is indeed an unreal time to live through and I wish you strength and peace to your much loved brother.  I don't pray but my thoughts will be with you all XXX

  • FormerMember

    Nin, I'm so sorry to hear your news about Gordy.

    Your love for your brother shines through your posts

    Sending you massive hugs and will be thinking of you all in the coming weeks.

    We understand you not posting at the moment, but if you need us we are here.

    Odin xxx