Downer... (So I Will Not Be Offended If You Don't Have the Strength To Read It)

1 minute read time.

Hi everyone.  Hope you are all as well as you can be and that life is being good to you.

Our Gordy has cancer tumours in his liver as big as my fist and is in a lot of pain, although he is still up and about.  He wants to go to Dubai next month to see our niece Tia who will be visiting my brother Paul with her mother (they live in the Phillipines).  He went to the hospital to get a form filled in to confirm the drugs he has to take and also saw his consultant.  The news is not good.  They don't think the new chemo is working but will give it another go next week.  If it has no effect they will try another one but have basically told him there is very little hope.

He is spending most of his time visiting his friends or with his daughter and grandson but he is so exhausted and both Mumsy and me want him to take a few days rest but he will not do it.  This results in him being exceptionally tired when he is at home and boy do me and Mumsy get it in the neck.  It's like he wants to give everyone else lovely memories but doesn't give a shit about the memories he is leaving us with.  I know that sounds really selfish and perhaps it is.  I don't want to remember my brother as a bad tempered, nasty viscious man but that's all we seem to get now.  He even kicked the pooch yesterday because he was in the way.  The poor little thing is 10 years old and blind!  Mumsy didn't speak to him for the rest of the day!  As she says, we know why he is in a foul mood - he's dieing - but the dog doesn't understand.

I'm back to the crying at inopportune moments, waking up at all hours and generally not being much good to anyone.

This is so cruel.  His head is so screwed up with all this.  It would have better if he had died quickly of a heart attack like our Dad rather than go through this torture.

Sorry that this blog entry is so down but that's how I'm feeling and I can't seem to lift the mood.  Hope the next one is better.

Much love and squidgy hugs,

Nin xxxx

  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry, Nin, and don't apologise for being down - how else would you feel? There's nothing about the situation that doesn't suck, for Gordy, for you and your mum and the rest of the family, even for the poor dog. I am firmly of the opinion that a quick, clean end is better than dragging on in misery, but that isn't a choice we're given.

    *hugs*, for whatever they're worth.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Nin,

     Sorry my reply to your status was a bit flippant - I hadn't read your blog above. It's wrong of Gordy to let fly at the dog of course, but  you can understand the frustration/anger/misery that led to it. Trouble is, you and your Mum are the ones having to do all the understanding and all the putting-up with his foul moods, and I certainly can see why it might have been better if he'd passed the same way your Dad did.

    I can't offer any quick'n'easy solution - I think if there were one you'd have thought of it by now. It just has to be endured, but I can't see any wrong in asking him just to observe the basic courtesies, the "please -and-thank-you" s that keep relationships civilised, at least.

    Don't worry about letting anyone here know how crap you feel, it's quite ok as Hilary said. And I did read your whole blog so stop apologising!

    See you later,

    Love & squidgies back to you and your Mum,

    Annie xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nin,

    I'm so sorry to hear of the problems you are having at the moment.

    As others have said, it's OK to tell us you're feeling down since we all understand what you are going through.

    We may not have answers but we are always here to listen and send you hugs.

    Best welsh cwtches,

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nin

    I am new to all of this and dont have any advice to offer, but i couldnt just read your post and not comment. Sending you hugs ((())) and positive thoughts to give you strength to carry on with your invaluable support. take care x Julie

  • FormerMember
    Hi nin they always say you take it out on the ones you are closest to and the ones you love Cos you feel safe with them. It's so hard for you but shows his love for you in his odd weird way. It's so hard and don't apologise ever on here that's why we are here. On my way to a meeting in a car so hard to type but just wanted to send you a huge squidgy hug. Hang on in there my lovely cake lady xxxxxxxxxxz