Don't call me brave

  • Totally fed up

    I’ve had enough now.  I’m not even 1/4 way through my proposed treatment plan and it’s hit me like a ton of bricks. I had my 3rd EC on Friday and woke up feeling nauseous and anxious.  Something that normally happens after...
  • Hair today….gone tomorrow?

    So, a week before my second chemo, the inevitable has happened.  My hair has started to come out.  For the first time, while in the shower this morning, I noticed small clumps come out while I was washing my hair.  I thought I was bein...
  • About last week

    I’m now one week post first chemo (that’s a mouthful!) and feeling ok.  I’ve been tired like never before.  I honestly didn’t think it was possible to feel exhausted after walking to the kettle and back…but it...
  • First cycle done…..15 to go

    Yesterday was my first chemo cycle.  First of four EC doses.  So far so good… I am extremely knackered and yesterday had a headache for most of the afternoon but honestly, I feel really lucky. I have been told to expect that it will ...
  • It finally happened

    Last week was all about getting prepared.   I had the oncology appointment.  I got my wig.  I had my lovely long hair chopped off into what can only be described as a “Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber” sort of vibe - but hey h...