First cycle done…..15 to go

1 minute read time.

Yesterday was my first chemo cycle.  First of four EC doses.  So far so good… I am extremely knackered and yesterday had a headache for most of the afternoon but honestly, I feel really lucky.

I have been told to expect that it will get worse over the next few days but there is a teeny tiny part of me that is thinking….but what if it doesn’t!!! (It will won’t it)

I start my injections tonight.  I am not looking forward to that at all.  But, I had them following a hysterectomy a few years ago and one of the lovely nurses at the hospital yesterday said these were no where near as bad at those so….  Should all be ok!

I am also very aware that at any point my side affects could get a lot worse and at some point over the next week or so, my hair will fall out; I really need to get some headscarf’s but have no idea where to even start looking for the right ones.

But on the whole and for now at least, I feel hopeful and grateful.

I had a lovely walk around town today, in the fresh air and it was lovely but it has lead to me now being in bed and about to nap!  

  • Hi Sagittarius7, Just popping by to say it sounds like you are doing great, which is great to hear. I had 4 rounds of EC in summer of 2021 and the injections to increase white blood cells as well. Just wanted to say that I was really lucky and apart from a headache and throwing up a few times in the 5-12 hour slot after each course of chemo I didn't get any other side effects. With the injections, my thighs felt a bit odd for a couple of days each time, but that was it. So, fingers crossed neither will you! In terms of hair loss - mine was fine after 1st round, fine after 2nd round and then all went over the course of 3 days a week before 3rd round, so it may hang in there for a bit longer. Hope your treatment continues to go really well. 

  • Hello, and thank you so much for your reply.  It has made me feel better about feeling hopeful!  (If that makes sense).  How are things for you now?  

  • All good. I got a bit trampled by fatigue during and after the radiotherapy, which came as a bit of a surprise (to me at least). Each month I say I'm back to normal, then a few weeks pass and you realise that improved again, so not quite there yet on the energy front, but definitely nearly there now...Hope that you are continuing to feel not too bad. Hang on in there, you are doing great.