It finally happened

1 minute read time.

Last week was all about getting prepared.  

I had the oncology appointment.  I got my wig.  I had my lovely long hair chopped off into what can only be described as a “Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber” sort of vibe - but hey ho, it’ll will grow back (maybe!).

I was feeling ok; prepared; ready for what was coming my way!  Did I get cocky?  Maybe, because on Friday night, after being so sure I had a hold on everything and was in control; the tears came.

The tears came, and the snot and the whole ugly crying.  It was not pretty but it was perhaps inevitable.  Honestly, I don’t know what set my off - it wasn’t the Jim Carrey look; after the initial shock I’m actually ok with it.  My lovely boss suggested it was more Julie Andrews - bless him!  I don’t think that it was one thing that did it - it was the whole dam shitshow.

But I felt so much better afterwards - puffy eyes and all.  Whatever I was holding on to needed to come out.  And looking back I find it odd that it took me so long - I know that value of not keeping things in/letting it all out - maybe this is just all too much.

But I am back and I am ready and tomorrow I should, finally, get a start date for my chemo….  

I also had an MRI scan today - nothing glamorous about dangling your boobs into two little holes but that’s a story for another day!

  • Hi Sagittarius, I remember having my hair shaved off...I didnt look....I made a point of never looking at my bald head....when my hair came back it was like spring coils .....eventually it will be back to normal...wigs have there benefit...particularly this time of year....dont despair it is only temporary. Sending you lots of positive energy and a big virtual hug.