Hair today….gone tomorrow?

1 minute read time.

So, a week before my second chemo, the inevitable has happened.  My hair has started to come out.  For the first time, while in the shower this morning, I noticed small clumps come out while I was washing my hair.  I thought I was being gentle and kind and using the right sort of shampoo to keep my hair as long as I could; but you can’t fight what was always going to happen at some point.

I think I hoped it might last a bit longer, at least until after my second session with the Red Devil.  I thought I’d prepared so well - especially as I had all my long hair chopped off at the start of the year, bought a wig, stocked up on scarves…….

But nope - it’s on its way out, to return at a point as yet unknown.

And now, I don’t know what to do.  My plan was, at this point, to just brave the shave and get rid.  Take control.  Be in charge of something during this shitshow.  But now, having just unconsciously tucked my (short) hair behind my ear only to find a clump of it in my hand, I don’t know if I want to brave the shave.  Yet.

I know the time will come - but should I wait until I have actual visible bald spots?  Should I use pins and clips to cover up the slightly thinner areas on my head?  Or should I just face facts, and take back control.  I honestly thought I would just know what I wanted to do at this point - and I don’t.

I have three hospital appointments this week, before the 2nd round on Friday.  Can I just wear a hat?  Or a head scarf (even if I have some hair left)?  Argh!  As if there isn’t enough going on right now. 

For the briefest of moments, I thought I was in charge.  I am not.  Cancer is. 

Fuck you Cancer

  • My hair started to fall out at the same time when I had chemo for breast cancer in 2010. I just started to wear my wig, which looked a lot nicer than my hair at that point! Put this hair net thingy over my ever thinning locks and popped the wig on. It really helped, I wasnt worried about leaving clumps of hair in random places and it helped me to feel 'normal' at a time when life was anything but! Good luck and remember, there are no rules in this strange cancer world so just freestyle xx

  • Like you, I was hesitating to shave, but it really became so noticeable I took charge.  And I love my wig, and am actually quite reluctant to give it up now

  • I feel your pain. I'm in exactly the same situation... not sure I'm brave enough to shave my hair off, but what I have doesn't look like it used to...